American Thinker Blog
January 31, 2011
ObamaCare 'Must Be Declared Void' (updated)January 31, 2011
Bill Daley Is Right: Government Should Copy BusinessJanuary 31, 2011
Andrew Bostom Explains the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Popularity on RadioJanuary 31, 2011
Dearborn Mosque Suspect is Mentally Ill Wikileaks SupporterJanuary 31, 2011
The Greedy Bastards ParadoxJanuary 31, 2011
Obama and the Ripple EffectJanuary 31, 2011
ElBaradei: Muslim Brotherhood Islamist takeover 'a myth'January 31, 2011
Egypt protestors plan million man march for tomorrowJanuary 31, 2011
Breaking news: Lars Hedegaard Acquitted! (Updated with victory statement)January 31, 2011
Syria's Assad running scaredJanuary 31, 2011
George W. Bush: Visionary or just lucky?January 31, 2011
Electrifying electric car newsJanuary 31, 2011
Barack Obama, the Etch-A-Sketch PresidentJanuary 31, 2011
Clinton calls for 'real democracy' in EgyptJanuary 31, 2011
A unique form of double dipping by 'retired' IL school superintendentsJanuary 31, 2011
Florida judge may rule today on Obamacare constitutionalityJanuary 30, 2011
Thus Spake FDRJanuary 30, 2011
President StealthJanuary 30, 2011
Is Qaddafi next?January 30, 2011
Video of the year: 'Egyptian Revolution: January 25, 2011'January 30, 2011
Obama, liberals caught 'intellectually unprepared' for Egypt crisisJanuary 30, 2011
Stratfor reports Hamas moving into Egypt to help the BrotherhoodJanuary 30, 2011
Egypt shuts down Al Jazeera bureauJanuary 30, 2011
Former NYC schools Chancellor slams teacher's unionJanuary 30, 2011
What's wrong with Peggy Noonan?January 30, 2011
GOP Governance, the Secret Weapon is 'percent'January 30, 2011
Oh, Baby!January 30, 2011
Caroline Glick: 'The Pragmatic Fantasy'January 29, 2011
Democrat Rep slanders America to the Arab worldJanuary 29, 2011
Bipartisanship, The Obama WayJanuary 29, 2011
Carter Redux?January 29, 2011
Foreign policy establishment of two minds on EgyptJanuary 29, 2011
How about we win the present, Barry?January 29, 2011
Axelrod spins EgyptJanuary 29, 2011
Fueling the future; British scientists refine synthetic petrolJanuary 29, 2011
Troops, demonstrators fraternize as Mubarak's regime tottersJanuary 29, 2011
Middle East Riots and the Choke PointJanuary 29, 2011
Graph for the Day for January 29, 2011January 29, 2011
Pat Condell on the Lars Hedegaard Show TrialJanuary 29, 2011
Tucson victim justifies his arrest for threatening tea party memberJanuary 28, 2011
Mubarak tells cabinet to resign (updated)January 28, 2011
NY Times peddles delusions about Abbas as peacemakerJanuary 28, 2011
Honey, Do You Mind Leftovers Tonight?January 28, 2011
Bush and Obama: two men and their SOTU word choicesJanuary 28, 2011
Egypt now a powder kegJanuary 28, 2011
Propagandists at Time Magazine put Reagan and Obama together on coverJanuary 28, 2011
Investing in Venezuela's FutureJanuary 28, 2011
DoJ has some curious budget prioritiesJanuary 28, 2011
Graph for the Day for January 28, 2011January 28, 2011
Pence says 'no' to presidential runJanuary 28, 2011
Iranian-Published Book About Suicide Bombers Found Near Mexican BorderJanuary 28, 2011
Can't Win for WinningJanuary 28, 2011
Snow MenJanuary 27, 2011
Rahm Emmanuel And The Rule Of Law (and its inapplicability to him)January 27, 2011
Still More Prevaricating from Abercrombie PalJanuary 27, 2011
Half Way Through Al Gore's Decade To DoomJanuary 27, 2011
The laughable propaganda comparing Obama and ReaganJanuary 27, 2011
Republicans Fear Tea Party Will Be a SpoilerJanuary 27, 2011
More warmist alarmism debunkedJanuary 27, 2011
Abercrombie friend recants 'no birth certificate' claimJanuary 27, 2011
Obama's Education Power GrabJanuary 27, 2011
Radical Imam caught while trying to enter USJanuary 27, 2011
NY state seizes Nassau county financesJanuary 27, 2011
500 more waivers granted for ObamacareJanuary 27, 2011
Medicare Chief Actuary confirms Obamacare a tissue of liesJanuary 27, 2011
Rand Paul gets serious about the deficitJanuary 27, 2011
Social Security is brokeJanuary 27, 2011
By the Numbers: CBO Stats that the Left Won't LikeJanuary 27, 2011
Kucinich sues House cafeteria for 'dangerous' sandwichJanuary 27, 2011
The Household Index of Poverty continues to riseJanuary 26, 2011
Bachmann Hits Home Run For Tea PartyJanuary 26, 2011
WaPo portrays pro-Palestinian hired gun as objective analystJanuary 26, 2011
Obama 2.0 - the SOTUJanuary 26, 2011
Federal inquiry finds that financial meltdown was 'avoidable'January 26, 2011
Fed utility bills: We'll leave the lights on for yaJanuary 26, 2011
'Lebanon burns; America snores'January 26, 2011
Rubio is on the March for LifeJanuary 26, 2011
Of Pots and KettlesJanuary 26, 2011
Genghis Khan--environmentalistJanuary 26, 2011
A good idea for evaluating teachersJanuary 26, 2011
Russian media takes cue from left; blames attack on US video gameJanuary 26, 2011
Obama in a bubble of his own makingJanuary 25, 2011
The juvenile presidentJanuary 25, 2011
Al Jazeera's Palestinian document leaks point up Obama's clueless Mideast peace strategyJanuary 25, 2011
Paul Ryan, a man with a planJanuary 25, 2011
Obama's polling 'surge'January 25, 2011
Head Fake from the LeftJanuary 25, 2011
More Prevaricating from AbercrombieJanuary 25, 2011
All together now sing 'Infrastructure'January 25, 2011
Watch the Leopard Change His SpotsJanuary 25, 2011
A Bipartisan Night to Remember?January 25, 2011
Moscow fingers 'person of Arab appearance' in terrorist attack at airportJanuary 25, 2011
The ruins of DetroitJanuary 25, 2011
Friend says Abercrombie told him, 'There is no birth certificate!' (updated)January 25, 2011
The enormity of 52 million abortions in US since RoeJanuary 25, 2011
Another hero's recovery from a bullet in the headJanuary 25, 2011
Racist Treatment of IllegalsJanuary 25, 2011
Draft Olbermann for Senate? (updated)January 25, 2011
Hezb'allah names new Lebanese prime ministerJanuary 25, 2011
The Irony of Secular Justification for AbortionJanuary 25, 2011
Chicago SEIU chapter granted Obamacare waiverJanuary 24, 2011
Lars Hedegaard: Defending Free Speech from Western Enablers of Totalitarian IslamJanuary 24, 2011
Climate Change Legal BoondoggleJanuary 24, 2011
Harrowing testimony of Israeli commandos aboard Gaza-bound ship -- 'Armed Mob lynched us'-- Unreported by NYT, WaPoJanuary 24, 2011
Rahmbo thrown off Chicago mayoral ballotJanuary 24, 2011
Israel vindicated in report on flotilla raid -- but not in the Washington PostJanuary 24, 2011
Calling Out Race Exploiter Al SharptonJanuary 24, 2011
China announces its real foreign policy (updated)January 24, 2011
Had enough 'stimulus'? Not ObamaJanuary 24, 2011
Congressman Cohen was correct about GoebbelsJanuary 24, 2011
GOP to target UN fundingJanuary 24, 2011
Civility Rights?January 24, 2011
Leaked Palistinian docs show weakened, desperate AbbasJanuary 24, 2011
Pro-Abortion Columnist Says Philadelphia's Dr. Death Thrived Because Abortions Aren't Available EnoughJanuary 24, 2011
Are Americans United in Foundational Principles?January 24, 2011
Twenty-Nine Anti-Abortion Governors Ready for BattleJanuary 24, 2011
How To Make Liberal Democrats Vote for Smaller GovernmentJanuary 24, 2011
Insulting Chinese Anti-American tune played at state dinnerJanuary 23, 2011
A Stunning Upset in WashingtonJanuary 23, 2011
Pence and the GOP presidential fieldJanuary 23, 2011
How dare you publicize my call for violence? It might provoke violence against me!January 23, 2011
'Captain America' to become "First Avenger' in Russia and South KoreaJanuary 23, 2011
Olbermann's exit in the works for weeksJanuary 23, 2011
Whose 'fault' is it that Gitmo is still open?January 23, 2011
The 'humanist paradox'January 23, 2011
Texas Gov. Perry fast tracks pre-abortion sonogram requirementJanuary 23, 2011
Obama to speak out of both sides of his mouth during SOTUJanuary 23, 2011
Yawn. Romney wins NH straw pollJanuary 23, 2011
Framework of Iranian Nuclear Talks Guaranteed Istanbul FailureJanuary 23, 2011
Has Greenspan gotten religion?January 23, 2011
WaPo mounts 'boycott Sarah' movement (updated)January 23, 2011
Outrage for a slaughtered turkey but none for slaughtered children?January 22, 2011
What hath the greenies wrought?January 22, 2011
Shocker: pro-abortion politics gutted normal inspection of abortion horror clinicJanuary 22, 2011
Newt tells his Georgia supporters he intends to run in 2012January 22, 2011
SOTU turning into Sadie Hawkins danceJanuary 22, 2011
Mexico's new I.D. cards; don't show them to the gringosJanuary 22, 2011
Anti-Chavez demonstrations slated for Sunday in Caracas and around the worldJanuary 22, 2011
The Democrat's unfortunate choice of words for a rallying cryJanuary 22, 2011
The Olbermann Conspiracy: Evil forces to take control of NBCJanuary 22, 2011
Are you ready for your state to declare bankruptcy?January 22, 2011
'The World' is sinkingJanuary 21, 2011
Obama's claim of Boeing export deal highly exaggeratedJanuary 21, 2011
You can lead a horse to water...January 21, 2011
NPR: Putting Aside Forced Abortions...January 21, 2011
Now they tell us...January 21, 2011
What Reagan thought his kids should know; what Obama thought his kids should knowJanuary 21, 2011
Regarding The Black Tea PartyJanuary 21, 2011
Fox News Least Trusted? PBS Most Trusted?January 21, 2011
Blacks gravitating to Rahmbo in Chicago mayoral electionJanuary 21, 2011
Krauthammer: Repeal not amendJanuary 21, 2011
Yes, Rep. Cohen - Obamacare is a takeover of our health care systemJanuary 21, 2011
Sheriff Dupnik silenced until further noticeJanuary 21, 2011
Too smart for MSNBC?January 21, 2011
Has representative government ceased to exist in Illinois?January 21, 2011
Left wing climate of hate and assassinationJanuary 21, 2011
Kermit the KillerJanuary 21, 2011
Retroactive recusal? Common Cause, the NY Times, and a laugher of a suitJanuary 20, 2011
J.R. Dunn on the air - update - MSNBC cancelsJanuary 20, 2011
Wash. Post libels Israel as lurching toward McCarthyismJanuary 20, 2011
Civility comes to basketball?January 20, 2011
Was Obama just kidding about 'civility'?January 20, 2011
Obama gets a bump in approval ratings; how long will it last?January 20, 2011
House passes Obamacare repeal: on to the SenateJanuary 20, 2011
The lexicon of stupidityJanuary 20, 2011
We Need A Real Halt To The Regulatory AssaultJanuary 20, 2011
The 21st century way of beggingJanuary 20, 2011
Newt Gingrich and his chameleon nature in the political realmJanuary 20, 2011
Frogs bounce back, contradicting warmist doomsayersJanuary 20, 2011
So much for civilityJanuary 20, 2011
Iran's 'execution binge'January 19, 2011
Frist: ObamaCare 'beautiful on paper'January 19, 2011
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn's Tax Hike BlarneyJanuary 19, 2011
Hawaii governor hasn't found Obama's birth certificate yetJanuary 19, 2011
NAACP Boxes George WashingtonJanuary 19, 2011
NASA's Muzzle HustleJanuary 19, 2011
Egyptian policeman opens fire on Christians killing oneJanuary 19, 2011
A Clue to the Author of 'O'?January 19, 2011
Obama adds to his 'enemies list'January 19, 2011
Lib journos summoned to secret WH meetingJanuary 19, 2011
They can't tell you where to sitJanuary 19, 2011
5 synagogues vandalized in MontrealJanuary 19, 2011
Steyn at his bestJanuary 19, 2011
A question for the language police of the leftJanuary 19, 2011
Would Congress Silence the Founding Fathers?January 19, 2011
You Wanna Bet? Pa. Woman Challenges Date-Setting EvangelistJanuary 19, 2011
Beware the VictimsJanuary 18, 2011
More Obama White House PropagandaJanuary 18, 2011
WSJ and WaPo share anti-Israel bias in news columnsJanuary 18, 2011
Sen. Kent Conrad announces retirementJanuary 18, 2011
A tale of two earthquakesJanuary 18, 2011
Ex Tunisia President's Wife Left with 1.5 Tons of GoldJanuary 18, 2011
Yes, Obama is indeed moving toward the middleJanuary 18, 2011
The reason college kids go gaga over ObamaJanuary 18, 2011
Paul Ryan and his roadmap to fiscal solvency scares the GOPJanuary 18, 2011
Rep Lewis decries loss of white voters by DemsJanuary 18, 2011
Palin: 'I am not going to shut up'January 18, 2011
Fausta Wertz, Monica Showalter, Jeff Dunetz on Moran's showJanuary 18, 2011
Cheney: Obama has learned that some Bush policies are rightJanuary 18, 2011
The dangerous internet passport proposalJanuary 18, 2011
Obama's Tucson Memorial Speech Was More ManipulationJanuary 18, 2011
Lugar wants to renew assault weapons banJanuary 18, 2011
Coming next for Wikileaks: Swiss bank revelationsJanuary 17, 2011
Tucson and ZhivagoJanuary 17, 2011
WaPo reports Israeli government shake-up through a pro-Palestinian lensJanuary 17, 2011
Civility claptrapJanuary 17, 2011
NLRB Shills for Card CheckJanuary 17, 2011
Ehud Barak Splits From Israel's Labor PartyJanuary 17, 2011
Black love?January 17, 2011
Costly 'green jobs' solar plant sued by greeniesJanuary 17, 2011
Giffords' condition upgraded to 'serious'January 17, 2011
Best wishes to Steve JobsJanuary 17, 2011
P.J. O'Rourke: 'We are seeing the sad end of liberalism'January 17, 2011
Boston Globe chides Kennedy sycophants for blocking JFK mini-seriesJanuary 17, 2011
Newest Nonsense: Hu JintaoToo Weak To Do America's Bidding!January 17, 2011
How the media botched the explanation of how they botched their reportingJanuary 17, 2011
Demonizing gun owners in TucsonJanuary 17, 2011
The choice facing Democratic senators up for re-election in 2012January 17, 2011
Schumer calls for 'closing loophole' in gun lawJanuary 17, 2011
It's Ben Franklin's 305th BirthdayJanuary 16, 2011
NY Times swallows Hezb'allah propaganda on Israel and LebanonJanuary 16, 2011
Regressive greeniesJanuary 16, 2011
50th anniversary of Ike's farewell addressJanuary 16, 2011
30 year-old Chicagoan Wrote Tucson SpeechJanuary 16, 2011
Should Congress sit together during SOTU?January 16, 2011
Michael Reagan calls brother Ron an 'embarrassment'January 16, 2011
UK public health system 'gridlocked' by swine fluJanuary 16, 2011
AZ shooting victim arrested for threatening tea party member (updated)January 16, 2011
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn hires lame-duck who voted for tax hikeJanuary 16, 2011
Graph for the Day for January 16, 2011January 16, 2011
Stuxnet run out of DimonaJanuary 16, 2011
Dodging Bullets in El PasoJanuary 15, 2011
The left and fablesJanuary 15, 2011
Does the government really want 'energy independence?'January 15, 2011
Passionate political activist with a gunJanuary 15, 2011
NY Times blames Israel for Tunisian revolutionJanuary 15, 2011
Musical Chairs for the State of the Union speechJanuary 15, 2011
Michelle' advice to parentsJanuary 15, 2011
Liberal Schizophrenia?January 15, 2011
When heroes are shown to have feet of clayJanuary 15, 2011
Mammoth cloning breakthrough could save endangered speciesJanuary 15, 2011
About those memorial T-ShirtsJanuary 15, 2011
There are times when civility is not the answerJanuary 14, 2011
Just who is being 'insensitive' to Jews?January 14, 2011
Obama's 'bull horn' momentJanuary 14, 2011
A tough one: Tucson 'straight shooter' ad for Limbaugh taken downJanuary 14, 2011
Obama: The $1 billion man in 2012?January 14, 2011
Gibbs 'surprised' at pep-rally atmosphere of 'memorial speech'January 14, 2011
Afghans in Kabul Demonstrate Against IranJanuary 14, 2011
Despite the new mood, the economy not doing wellJanuary 14, 2011
Hypocrisy, the Liberal GodJanuary 14, 2011
Queen for a week; Just long enough to sink IllinoisJanuary 14, 2011
MA solar plant to close after two yearsJanuary 14, 2011
US bonds may be downgradedJanuary 14, 2011
Study rewards schools for squandering tax dollarsJanuary 13, 2011
CAIR scrubs poster, claims 'subject to misinterpretation'January 13, 2011
Sometimes a word is just a wordJanuary 13, 2011
WaPo distorts history to libel IsraelJanuary 13, 2011
The answer is: Those without shameJanuary 13, 2011
Gun control fanatics glum that White House won't use tragedy for their issueJanuary 13, 2011
Krugman tries to move on, stumblesJanuary 13, 2011
Was that a memorial service a or a pep rally?January 13, 2011
Wisconsin Republicans move to restore electoral integrityJanuary 13, 2011
Is Donald Trump running for president?January 13, 2011
Tell us everything about yourself so we can discriminate against youJanuary 13, 2011
Approval of Congress shoots up more 50%January 13, 2011
Guns are not the problem, and gun control Is not the answerJanuary 13, 2011
Housing at depression levelsJanuary 13, 2011
EPA wins Texas suit to regulate CO2January 12, 2011
Iran, Hezb'allah lay down gauntlet to Obama on Lebanon -- guess who's losingJanuary 12, 2011
Hezb'allah Forces Collapse of Lebanese GovernmentJanuary 12, 2011
Hillary doubles down on Loughner as politically motivatedJanuary 12, 2011
Dupnik's Real Outrage: Detroit-on-the-DesertJanuary 12, 2011
WaPo's inconvenient truthJanuary 12, 2011
Yet another example of media distortion in the Loughner case?January 12, 2011
What inspires violence?January 12, 2011
IL governor congratulates lawmakers for raising state income tax 66%January 12, 2011
Tragedy: Dennis Kucinich may lose his seat to redistrictingJanuary 12, 2011
The counter-revolution has begunJanuary 12, 2011
Sarah Palin speaksJanuary 12, 2011
Arizona Lawman Acting Stupidly, Obama SilentJanuary 12, 2011
Gates and China's leadersJanuary 12, 2011
Rep. Slaughter uses AZ tragedy to push for Fairness DoctrineJanuary 12, 2011
Despite massive effort, liberals fail to convince America that the right is to blame for shootingsJanuary 12, 2011
Rhode Island Governor Chafee to ban employees from talk radioJanuary 12, 2011
'A commonplace ritual of democracy'January 11, 2011
Gun metaphors in American politics (continued)January 11, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsJanuary 11, 2011
WaPo expunges Israeli rule of Jerusalem -- an Orwellian ployJanuary 11, 2011
The Soros propaganda machine and shale gasJanuary 11, 2011
Obama snubs Britain againJanuary 11, 2011
Barry and Sarah Talk ViolenceJanuary 11, 2011
Beaky Buzzard Released -- Not A Zionist Spy After All?January 11, 2011
Right Wing Hate Speech QuizJanuary 11, 2011
Of Loose Lips and Deadly Quips...January 11, 2011
Place the blame where it belongs: on Loughner's parents not Sarah PalinJanuary 11, 2011
Israeli vulture accused of espionage releasedJanuary 11, 2011
Graph for the Day, January 11, 2011January 11, 2011
The Democrats' Talking Point: No Place in Political 'Discourse' for ViolenceJanuary 11, 2011
Elderly couple ordered to pay 12K in legal fees in dispute over Mitzy the catJanuary 11, 2011
Vodkapundit, Doug Mataconis, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showJanuary 11, 2011
Bill outlawing violent symbols missing a few thingsJanuary 11, 2011
Who are these people?January 11, 2011
Let Them Eat Widescreen TVs and I-PhonesJanuary 11, 2011
Loughner's Grudge Against Giffords Dates From 2007January 10, 2011
Left Blames the Constitution for Assassination Attempt on Rep. GiffordsJanuary 10, 2011
Tucson shootings: Why haven't they blamed George W. Bush?January 10, 2011
Alinsky's rhetoricJanuary 10, 2011
Report: Kennedy family members killed miniseriesJanuary 10, 2011
Aussie Warmist tossed under the busJanuary 10, 2011
ETA Basque terror group announces 'ceasefire'January 10, 2011
The Short Half-Life of ShameJanuary 10, 2011
Would you run to the sound of the guns?January 10, 2011
Neither left nor right but mentally disturbedJanuary 10, 2011
Political violence and connectionsJanuary 10, 2011
New York Times ignores an inconvenient truthJanuary 10, 2011
Don't Blame Claude de Contrecoeur or Rush Limbaugh for Jared LoughnerJanuary 10, 2011
More 'reporting' from the Gray LadyJanuary 10, 2011
Sanity from Jack SchaferJanuary 10, 2011
Headless in AcapulcoJanuary 9, 2011
Dem. operative: 'They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers'January 9, 2011
New low in exploiting Giffords shootingJanuary 9, 2011
Gun happy Vermont?January 9, 2011
William Cohen adds Rush Limbaugh to the List of Those Responsible for the Giffords ShootingJanuary 9, 2011
And the winner of the most bizarre, overwrought, hysterical denunciation of Sarah Palin by a brainless lefty is...January 9, 2011
NYC's EMS units buried with 911 cranks during blizzardJanuary 9, 2011
Leftists: Have You No Sense of Decency Left?January 9, 2011
The six dead innocents of the AZ shootingJanuary 9, 2011
Graph for the Day for January 9, 2011January 9, 2011
Is Daily Kos to blame for Gifford attack?January 9, 2011
No brains, no shameJanuary 9, 2011
Iranian Christians under arrestJanuary 9, 2011
'Dwindling religious diversity'?January 9, 2011
Is Harry Reid in denial?January 8, 2011
New York Times Implicates Sarah Palin in Giffords ShootingJanuary 8, 2011
More Tea Party Violence?January 8, 2011
Congresswoman shot and recoveringJanuary 8, 2011
Attacking the Family: Making the Terms 'Father' and 'Mother' PasséJanuary 8, 2011
Saddam's WMD stockpile raided by Al Qaeda on 2003January 8, 2011
WaPo blames Israel for Palestinian barbarity (updated: NY Times too)January 8, 2011
The slow motion ethnic cleansing of Jews in EuropeJanuary 8, 2011
History Channel pulls the plug on 'The Kennedys'January 8, 2011
Indiana tea party targets Lugar in primaryJanuary 8, 2011
Oversight of the Department of Justice finally beginsJanuary 8, 2011
Government gives ineligible homeowners billions in stimulus loansJanuary 8, 2011
A really bad case of the munchiesJanuary 8, 2011
Harry Reid's one-man roadblockJanuary 8, 2011
The Changing Military BalanceJanuary 8, 2011
Modesty: The Forgotten Political VirtueJanuary 8, 2011
William Daley and The Chicago WayJanuary 7, 2011
Obama's mouthpiece forced out by his new henchmanJanuary 7, 2011
What the NYT and the WaPo publish -- and what they don'tJanuary 7, 2011
Democrats and the CBO's ObamaCare numbersJanuary 7, 2011
Illinois to tax online purchasesJanuary 7, 2011
State Department warns hundreds of Wikileak targetsJanuary 7, 2011
Only 103,000 jobs created in DecemberJanuary 7, 2011
Obama: 2010 in FaithJanuary 7, 2011
Inside the lefty brainJanuary 7, 2011
Terminally CluelessJanuary 7, 2011
PC poison; Evil is well served by fear and silenceJanuary 7, 2011
Report on health care spending shows government with 44% shareJanuary 7, 2011
Sam Harris Versus the Self-Made ManJanuary 6, 2011
Beaky Buzzard, Zionist/Mossad Agent?January 6, 2011
The Constitutional Hypocrisy of the LeftJanuary 6, 2011
The perfect gift for old media journalists?January 6, 2011
Hailing Violent Criminals as Political PrisonersJanuary 6, 2011
Major scientific fraud uncoveredJanuary 6, 2011
Inflation: It's here and it's seriousJanuary 6, 2011
Under the radar at the White HouseJanuary 6, 2011
Death for death panelsJanuary 6, 2011
Man who couldn't get arrested steals squad carJanuary 6, 2011
More Dems express reservations about ObamaCareJanuary 6, 2011
Equality for Muslim women?January 6, 2011
Chinese Stealth Better than Our Stealth?January 6, 2011
Vandalizing American CultureJanuary 6, 2011
Beijing plans for Preemptive Nuclear StrikeJanuary 6, 2011
Tracing the Japanese ExperimentJanuary 5, 2011
Israel IQ at UCLA with Comedian Mark SchiffJanuary 5, 2011
San Francisco Happy Meal ban mocked by Daily ShowJanuary 5, 2011
NY Times journalism -- the Good, the Bad and the UglyJanuary 5, 2011
The Liberal Press Meets the Law That Governs GovernmentJanuary 5, 2011
2012 looking mighty close to endangered DemocratsJanuary 5, 2011
A primer on the principles that conservatives need to defend in offering an ObamaCare alternativeJanuary 5, 2011
Out with PelosiJanuary 5, 2011
Manipulative cats fake illness when upsetJanuary 5, 2011
Clear-Eyed Coptic Bishop Rejects Islamic 'Tolerance'January 5, 2011
Big Stimulus Money for Detroit Public SchoolsJanuary 5, 2011
NY Times has a hissy fit over GOP-run HouseJanuary 5, 2011
Gov. Christie dismantles a state affirmative action officeJanuary 5, 2011
Decorating Tijuana BridgesJanuary 5, 2011
Graph for the Day for January 5, 2011January 5, 2011
Foolish Fooling with the FilibusterJanuary 5, 2011
Obama on the debt ceiling; then and nowJanuary 5, 2011
Do Americans really want to 'tax the rich' to curb the deficit?January 5, 2011
Not what liberals meant by 'We should be more like Europe...'January 5, 2011
Highway PatrolJanuary 5, 2011
Schumer says GOP lawmakers should forgo insuranceJanuary 5, 2011
GOP House to propose massive cuts in domestic spending (Update)January 4, 2011
Signs point to Mike Pence bowing out of presidential race to run for governorJanuary 4, 2011
More Confirmation of Obama's SocialismJanuary 4, 2011
Hit-and-run Journalism -- The Way to Tar IsraelJanuary 4, 2011
What's $14 trillion among friends?January 4, 2011
Obamacare stops construction at 45 physician owned hospitals nationwideJanuary 4, 2011
Allen West Knows ShariaJanuary 4, 2011
Dem Congressman suggests shooting then candidate Rick ScottJanuary 4, 2011
Taxpayer dollars used to game Google search engineJanuary 4, 2011
Extremist Muslims target Christians around the worldJanuary 4, 2011
Interview with Rep. Allen WestJanuary 4, 2011
Two British consulate employees in Jerusalem arrested for terrorist plotJanuary 4, 2011
AT's Rich Baehr and Larrey Anderson plus Fausta Wertz on Moran's showJanuary 4, 2011
No place for a Jew (or any infidel)January 4, 2011
Half the voters don't believe Obamacare promiseJanuary 4, 2011
Issa targets Obama administrationJanuary 3, 2011
The government ruling class by the numbersJanuary 3, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsJanuary 3, 2011
Beware the solution in search of a problemJanuary 3, 2011
Which identical twin is black?January 3, 2011
White House throws down the gauntlet on debt ceiling fightJanuary 3, 2011
Did Republicans Save the Stock Market for 2010?January 3, 2011
NYC sanitation workers being investigated for boozing during blizzardJanuary 3, 2011
Mossad behind slaughter of Egyptian Christians: IranJanuary 3, 2011
Opting outJanuary 3, 2011
The beginning of a trend? American companies rethink ChinaJanuary 3, 2011
How fiction became newsJanuary 3, 2011
Leftist media in full court press backing warmismJanuary 3, 2011
Septic Tank EconomicsJanuary 2, 2011
Sorry AP, your template is showingJanuary 2, 2011
Left Targets filibuster to ease way for Obama agendaJanuary 2, 2011
Big Rat Jumps Sinking Green Energy Ship (sort of)January 2, 2011
Copts Were Sitting Ducks After Egyptian Guards LeftJanuary 2, 2011
Pakistanis still reluctant to take on the Afghan TalibanJanuary 2, 2011
Hugo and Hillary have a 'friendly chat'January 2, 2011
Hope, change, and helplessnessJanuary 2, 2011
David Paterson's 'walking out the door' courageJanuary 2, 2011
41 Guards charged for role in Nuevo Laredo prison breakJanuary 2, 2011
And then there was oneJanuary 2, 2011
The public finally awakens to the danger of public unionsJanuary 2, 2011
A different media strategy for GOP governorsJanuary 2, 2011
More Muslim violence against ChristiansJanuary 1, 2011
Arms Treaty NonsenseJanuary 1, 2011
AT's 'blogress divas'January 1, 2011
The Proposed Harvey Milk Stamp - and Some OthersJanuary 1, 2011
2010's leading state: North DakotaJanuary 1, 2011
Canada slashes corporate tax rate to 16.5%January 1, 2011
A Happy New Year's Greeting to the RichJanuary 1, 2011
Foie Gras and Other Healthy FareJanuary 1, 2011
Heathrow security told to ignore flying 'mules'
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- Two new revelations about the Signal leak, along with two theories *UPDATED*
- Big Tech’s Invisible Hand: How Google and Meta manipulate our elections
- New report: Netherlands is now euthanizing minors
- Tantalizing tidbits: Five news stories about leftists, and sea lions, acting aggressively
- Rockets to Roses: Israel’s bizarre trade cycle with Aza