Run away! Manchin AWOL for DREAM act and DADT votes

Senator Joe Manchin (D-Coward County WV) has a novel approach to his new senate duties; when tough votes come to the floor, best to find something else to do rather than step up and show your constituents where you stand.

Manchin appeared to channel Monty Python's King Arthur who fled the approach of a giant rabbit screaming "Run Away!" when the votes for the DREAM Act and DADT repeal came to the floor. Ben Smith of Politico links to this article in the Charleston Gazette:

Spokeswoman Sara Payne Scarbro said in an e-mail that Manchin and Gayle had "planned a holiday gathering over a year ago with all their children and grandchildren as they will not all be together on Christmas Day."

"While he regrets missing the votes, it was a family obligation that he just could not break," Payne Scarbro said. "However, he has been clear on where he stands on the issues."

Even Monty Python's King Arthur was brave enough not to hide behind little children.

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