He changed the world
Very few people have changed the world. Today, we celebrate the birth of the One who did.
Some two thousand years ago, a baby was born in humble surroundings to humble parents and all of heaven rejoiced. This baby became a man who taught us to "love the Lord your God," "love your neighbor as you love yourself," and "love your enemies."
Jesus Christ, the Son of God who referred to Himself as the Son of Man, counseled love over hate, understanding over reaction, and focus on heaven over earth. Truly radical concepts for His time, and ours.
He taught us to study the Bible so that we might recognize deceit when it appeared. Sadly, we tend to embrace evil forms as the latest trend.
He commanded us to spread His word to all the corners of the earth so that all may know Him. Sadly, many do not know Him here at home.
He reminded us that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Sadly, many believe in their own abilities to conduct their affairs.
He fulfilled His destiny by giving mankind its greatest gift, that of salvation. But, to accept this gift, we must believe. Sadly, many find this hard to do.
Let us celebrate the birth of the Savior and resolve to rediscover Him in the coming year.
Tom Roberson is an independent conservative blogging at www.tomroberson.wordpress.com and doing his small part to save his country. He'd love to hear from you.