Voters! How weird are they?

By Blondie

They vote down an income tax in Washington but vote in liberal tax lover Patti Murray. (as of this writing she is ahead)

They vote down making pot legal in Callyifornia but elect Jerry Brown.

They completely overturn the NC Legislature, after a century of Dim rule, but reelect Blue Dogs to the US Congress.

They complain in all the polls of no jobs, no trust, no more taxes, no confidence but then vote in Dims to the US Senate. (WV, NV, CA)

Nevada has the highest unemployment in the world but they don't make Harry unemployed.

They elect Harry but overwhelmingly reject his son for govenor.

Callyifornia and New York are going down the tube so fast they are a blur. But yet, the exact people who caused that, were elected.

Nationwide Pelosi has a positive rating at 8% but all those SanFran loons reelect her.

The GOP/Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of rabid black/hispanic/women hating bigots, 

but they elect a lot of GOP blacks/hispanics/women.

The most beloved and adored man on earth two years ago could not keep his old senate seat for the Dims despite massive effort and money.


Blondie blogs at So the Blond Says.
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