What universe does Robert Gibbs inhabit?

Not only does Gibbs say that the Dems will maintain control of the House and Senate, he also said that "There's an excitement about what this president is trying to do..."

Allah performs the necessary lobotomy:

The funniest line: "There's an excitement about what this president is trying to do" on the campaign trail. That must explain why pieces like this are now regular features on op-ed pages and why the AP is running polls about O-bots either staying home in droves or defecting to the GOP. This is why they pay you the big bucks, Gibbsy.

Don't be too hard on him. The last time he dared utter a discouraging word, Pelosi - who's been in Baghdad Bob mode about the midterms for six months - wouldn't let him hear the end of it. If you were him and had to choose, what would you do? Cheerily lie to a national audience? Or tell the terrible truth and set yourself up as a post-election scapegoat for a politician so widely reviled that her own party's now running attack ads against her? It's no contest.

As bad as things were for the GOP in 2006, I don't recall any Republican member running an attack ad against Speaker Hastert. Pelosi may be the most unpopular politician in America - a distinction of which moderate Democrats are perfectly aware and have reacted accordingly.

Not that it will save most of them. After the election, the Democrats in the House may be a lot fewer but, if it's possible, more liberal. That will probably consign them to irrelevancy for at least a few election cycles.

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