Money bomb: Angle raised 14 million dollars in the last 3 months

Once upon a time, Barack Obama's presidential campaign was regarded as the ultimate expression of the power of the internet to raise money and mobilize supporters. That was then, this is now. Shira Toeplitz of Politico reports:

Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," Angle spokesman Jarrod Agen said. " This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grass-roots support for Sharron Angle. Harry Reid is losing this race, he knows it, and he is just going to get more desperate over the final three weeks

The internet is not uniquely liberal or conservative. But it is potentially populist. When a broadly shared idea becomes imperative in the minds of many,  the internet can enable them to connect. More politically significant is the fact that it bypasses the gatekeeper organs of media and party hierarchies.

We are in a new age of populism.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky
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