Joe Klein on elites and 'ignoramuses'

"There is something profoundly diseased about a society that idolizes its ignoramuses and disdains its experts."

I suppose that depends on how you define the terms "expert" and "ignoramus." We already know that Joe and his elitist pals consider Barack Obama, Tim Geithner and Kathleen Sebilius experts. According to Joe Klein, the author of the quote cited above, the unwillingness of the vast majority of Americans to buy into the absurdity of looking to callow, theorizing busy-bodies for leadership makes us into the Know Nothing Party 2.0:

...(Christine O'Donnell's) ignorance makes her authentic-the holy grail of latter-day American politics: she's a real person, not like those phony politicians. In that sense, she-and the lifeboat filled with other Tea Party know-nothings-follow in the wake of our leading exemplar of ignorant authenticity, Sarah Palin...

Sour grapes-Joe isn't the first journalist to toss the know-nothing epithet, perhaps it just takes longer to circulate the daily pinko screed now that the Journo-list members have driven their communiqués underground and are pretending to play nice.

Klein, like his comrades across the full spectrum of the plummeting liberal party, is at his apoplectic worst as Democrat doomsday approaches, particularly so in this shameless screed. He derides Christine O'Donnell as not an elite

...there is no way she could (even) be confused with an average high school student.

As my 4th grade teacher might have asked: Was that really necessary Joe? Apparently the editors had the week off to go help Obama and Biden campaign against O'Donnell in Delaware, or one might have stopped Klein in mid-sputter. Inquiring minds would like to know however, why a party that claims their bearded, Marxist candidate is 21 points ahead in the polls needs to pull out so many stops in order to derail an opponent they consider an ignoramus.

I suppose we should have sympathy for poor old Joe. After all he is employed by an endangered periodical gone to ruin by propping up an endangered party who share hopelessly outmoded socialist ideals that even the wobbly Europeans are abandoning. Joe's rantings and what he presents as insights, suggest that he might need a little more brain food himself.

While knocking the Tea Party fantasy of a Mr. Smith goes to Washington scenario, Klein suggests that Smith was actually "reading the bills he was about to vote on." For guys like Joe Klein, apparently this is difficult to imagine. Klein also gives kudos to former Auto Czar Steve Rattner, claiming that

...the GM and Chrysler bail-outs seem to be working brilliantly, saving thousands upon thousands of good American jobs.

Tell that to the 300,000 Chevy Impala owners facing Government Motors latest recall  or the 800 Chrysler dealers closed by Obama fiat.

Clearly the bile continues to rise in Democrat quarters as they realize they have no real ammunition, no real case to make to an American electorate they tried to hornswoggle with legislative and journalistic sleight-of-hand. It's simply amazing that a magazine considered to be mainstream would publish such a childish tantrum.

Ralph Alter blogs at Right on Target

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