Fear and loathing on the campaign trail
As Peter Berkowitz noted in his Wall Street Journal op ed cited by Rick Moran "highly educated people say the darndest things these days particularly about the tea party movement."
Proving the point once again is a highly educated person who graduated from and associated with the best schools--Columbia University, Law Review editor at Harvard Law School, law professor at the University of Chicago Law School--with an exotic background--born (yes, he was; stop that nonsense!) and intermittently raised in Hawaii by a single parent and his grandparents with extended stints living with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia--who despite his professional success still doesn't get it--who is willingly blind to the reasons for the tea party movement, to the mood of most Americans.
Speaking at a fund raiser in Boston for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Saturday night
President Barack Obama said Americans' "fear and frustration" is to blame for an intense midterm election cycle that threatens to derail the Democratic agenda.
"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we're hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama said Saturday evening in remarks at a small Democratic fundraiser Saturday evening. "And the country's scared."
This was
his "view from the Oval Office." He faulted the economic downturn for Americans' inability to "think clearly" and said the burden is on Democrats "to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling."
"You can respond in a couple of ways to a trauma like this," Obama said, referring to the economy. "One is to pull back, retrench and respond to your fears by pushing away challenges, looking backwards. Another is to say we can meet these challenges and we are going to move forward. And that's what this election is about."
Seconding the president was former president wannabe, Senator John Kerry (D-MA), who added
"Facts, science, truth seem to be significantly absent from what we call our political dialogue. It's hardly a dialogue. It's a shouting match, sloganeering."
And then scared at what they foresee their hardwiring broke down as both continued their version of dialogue by slandering the opposition and the American people, using generalities and sloganeering and in general sowing more fear and frustration among the voters.