October 14, 2010
Call the DOJ, voter intimidation discovered in Milwaukee
With less than three weeks remaining until the mid-term elections, Obama's voter base in Milwaukee has been energized. A number of local groups have organized a protest against a voter intimidation campaign aimed at the minority community. The Journal-Sentinel reports that billboards throughout the metro area are warning the public that "Voter Fraud is a Felony."
At a press conference in front of one of the billboards at S. 22nd St. and W. Morgan Ave., the groups called on Clear Channel Outdoor, the owner of the billboards, to take down the ads and disclose who paid for them.
The bottom of the billboards, which show people behind jail bars, the words "We Voted Illegally" and the penalty for voting illegally, disclose only that the billboards were paid for "by a private family foundation."
"We're tired of these tactics and signs like these that keep various groups from participating," said Jayme Montgomery-Baker, state director of the League of Young Voters. "There are so many other issues we should be talking about, like jobs, education and health care."
The Rev. Ken Wheeler, pastor of Cross Lutheran Church and a member of the Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope, or MICHAH, said: "The message is offensive and implicitly and explicitly creates a climate of fear in the African-American community that was historically denied justice and discouraged from voting."
I must have missed something because for the life of me I can't figure out how billboards warning people not to commit voter fraud would prevent anyone from legally casting their vote. Of course it is possible that the billboards could be intimidating to someone (or some group) who was planning on committing voter fraud and if that is the case then the cause of democracy is well served by these patriotic PSAs.
No offense to Ms. Montgomery-Baker, but shouldn't she be concerned with "jobs, education and health care," instead of tired old race baiting rhetoric designed to portray criminals as victims of social injustice? Likewise, no offense to Rev. Wheeler, but isn't it a good thing when "a climate of fear" for the law helps to prevent crime? For crying out loud, even Eugene Kane blew off this pathetic press conference.
Interestingly enough, in the wake of the 2008 presidential election, thousands of voter I.D. cards were returned to the county clerk's office as undeliverable. Numerous attempts have been made to reform the outrageously lax voter registration system in Wisconsin, however the Democratic leadership in the state has been successful in killing each proposed measure. Every fraudulent vote that is cast succeeds in disenfranchising a law abiding citizen.