Reporting from the O'Donnell Campaign in Delaware

I sang at the Tea Party Express press conference in Delaware supporting Christine O'Donnell, Constitutional Republican for U.S. Senate. O'Donnell is a "real deal" Tea Party movement candidate --  create more jobs, cut spending & debt, lower taxes and protecting our core values.

However, I was struck by the number of tea party groups, volunteers and ordinary concerned citizens who showed up in support of O'Donnell. It confirmed that despite the media's attempts to convince us that the energy of the tea party movement is unsustainable, the movement is stronger than ever and growing.

Here is a shout out to just a few of the numerous groups and people who were in attendance; "Founders Values"- Evan Queitsch, Jonathan Sherman & Sean MacLaren, "9-12 Delaware Patriots"- Russ Murphy & Theresa Garcia, "Diamond State Tea Party"-Kevin Street & Tom Laymen and "Conservative Common Sense" - Jason C. O'Neill.

Folks, these people "get it". They know Obama and company are taking our great country in the wrong direction and feel the urgency of stopping them now! A grandmother told me, "I'm fighting so my grand kids will grow up in the same America I grew up in."

I was particularly impressed by a middle aged man at the press conference named Wayne Hammond. Wayne was wearing a Christine O'Donnell t-shirt and walked with a cane in each hand. He has Cerebral Palsy. He told me, "With all the evil going on in our country under this administration, I simply could not sit at home." Wayne is an active O'Donnell supporter.

Brother and sister patriots, the Tea Party movement is alive, well and in good hands here in Delaware. Our Christine O'Donnell defeating the RINO, Mike Castle, will be another home-run for our awesome God inspired movement.

As y'all know, I try to sample what the locals eat in every state. Here in Delaware, I ate my first Armadillo Egg (a Jalapeno pepper stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon and deep fried). Excellent!

God bless, Lloyd
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Spokesperson/Entertainer of Tea Party Movement & Tea Party Express.
The American Tea Party Anthem cd/album.
Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michelle Malkin.
President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of ALL Colors)
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