'Mr. President, I feel hope-less'

Some Obamabots whose eyes have finally been opened fall harder than others. This poor fellow who worked for Obama during the campaign and fiercely believed in his mantra of change, now finds himself horribly disillusioned.

The New York Post:

I went to volunteer full time for Obama and was soon hired as an organizer for the campaign.

The night of Aug. 28, 2008, when Obama spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, was one of the most exciting in my life. Michelle and Barack came backstage to thank us for all our hard work and told us we could sleep in the next day. I remember feeling giddy.

Two years later, I'm living a more sober reality.

My life is not better. I'm a college graduate and I still can't get a good job.

I'm back working as a doorman at a Manhattan hotel earning peanuts because my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and I need the health insurance again.

I share the same sentiments of Velma Hart, the woman who confronted Obama at a town hall last week, saying she was tired of defending him. The idea of leaving New York is even on the table.

Obama has let professional politicians take over the White House -- and our dream of change.

It will take a while longer for this fellow to realize that it's incompetence and not "professional politicians" who are at fault. But give the guy some props for at least waking up and seeing that his hero is not all that he's cracked up to be.

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