September 25, 2010
Liberty or License
This amazing video from July 2010 shows a group of illegal immigrants who have broken American law being protected by an American police officer as they have the audacity of equating the American flag with the Nazi swastika. They were not attacked by the Americans who were peacefully protesting; they were not removed by the American peace officer. And they, in their ignorance and arrogance, use the very rights of American citizens to their own advantage.
If flag burning is considered a part of First Amendment protections, does this, in fact, apply to people who are not citizens and who ironically want the perks of citizenship without the responsibilities of being educated, dedicated, and law-abiding citizens? How instructive it would be for them to be transported back to the time of Nazi Germany and perhaps they would begin to understand the infamy of their careless remarks.
This woman on the video and her cohorts are not truly interested in pursuing liberty; they just demand the license to destroy and defame.
Eileen can be reached at
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