Final Jeopardy: The answer is zero

And the question is...

How Many Democrats Are running Ads Saying they Voted for Obamacare?
The answer is zero!

That's what Politico is reporting:
A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election year issue - by running against it.

At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party's health care reform bill are highlighting their "no" votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can't identify a single House member who's running an ad boasting of a "yes" vote - despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
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One Democratic strategist said it would be "political malfeasance" to run such an ad now.

Actually it was "political malfeasance" to vote for the legislation. It would be suicidal to highlight you did.

h/t:Hot Air

Clarice Feldman

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