American Thinker Blog
September 30, 2010
Pakistan's Mainstream Jihadism and the Times Square Bomb PlotSeptember 30, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque's Stunning Symbolic Design Motif UnveiledSeptember 30, 2010
The Repeal ObamaCare PACSeptember 30, 2010
Pakistan blocks NATO supply lineSeptember 30, 2010
No, Democrats are not making a comebackSeptember 30, 2010
Dem big donors steering clear of 527 groupsSeptember 30, 2010
Is there a biblical clue in the Stuxnet virus?September 30, 2010
Getting our priorities straightSeptember 30, 2010
Thank-you, Gloria AllredSeptember 30, 2010
You finally have your bipartisanship Mr. President, now where's the vote?September 30, 2010
The Invisible MilitiaSeptember 30, 2010
More class warfare nonsense from Summers' possible replacementSeptember 30, 2010
'Socking it' to ObamaSeptember 30, 2010
ObamaCare Chickens Coming Home to RoostSeptember 29, 2010
Those dumb, dangerous, 'fundamentalist' constitutionalistsSeptember 29, 2010
Floggings will continue until morale improvesSeptember 29, 2010
More good news on Senate pollingSeptember 29, 2010
More J Street Revelations (that have nothing to do with Soros)September 29, 2010
The Most Obnoxious Dem in Congress in TroubleSeptember 29, 2010
Trust in media continues to craterSeptember 29, 2010
A 'credible' terrorist attack threatSeptember 29, 2010
The case of Sakineh Mohammadi AshtianiSeptember 29, 2010
Medical Marijuana and Peer Review ScienceSeptember 29, 2010
A small history lesson for the presidentSeptember 29, 2010
Feeling the heat at the FCC on net neutralitySeptember 29, 2010
Concealed carry laws and a shooting at the U. Of TexasSeptember 29, 2010
Walking in San Francisco can get expensiveSeptember 29, 2010
Proposed EPA Rules on Lead PaintSeptember 29, 2010
Lessons from a LeveeSeptember 28, 2010
Perfect move: GOP call for ethics trials of Rangel, WatersSeptember 28, 2010
Sibelius defends the indefensibleSeptember 28, 2010
The Islamintern Meets in Chicago TonightSeptember 28, 2010
A Warning from Thomas SowellSeptember 28, 2010
New Senate polls are all good for GOPSeptember 28, 2010
Obama BFF SEIU's Andy Stern Part of Fed Corruption InvestigationSeptember 28, 2010
China blames US for dispute with JapanSeptember 28, 2010
Rahmbo may be leaving White House by the end of the week to run for Chicago MayorSeptember 28, 2010
Fighting Voter FraudSeptember 28, 2010
Obama Augustus: the power of images in the age of ObamaSeptember 28, 2010
Bewitched, bothered, and bewilderedSeptember 28, 2010
Mexico building fence to keep out...illegal aliensSeptember 28, 2010
The Beatification of HillarySeptember 28, 2010
Biden to Dem base: 'Stop whining'September 28, 2010
Islam(ophobia) - It Speaks for ItselfSeptember 28, 2010
Is stuxnet the new Ultra?September 28, 2010
British aid worker kidnapped by Taliban in attempt to free Aafia SiddiquiSeptember 27, 2010
The Baehr EssentialsSeptember 27, 2010
Global Power Elite Backing Away from Global WarmingSeptember 27, 2010
The Soros-Axelrod Axis of AstroturfSeptember 27, 2010
The Coffee Party Now Embarrasses Media Which Hyped ItSeptember 27, 2010
Gitmo detainees to be tortured by giving them only one scoop of ice creamSeptember 27, 2010
White House Amateur Hour AgainSeptember 27, 2010
'Mr. President, I feel hope-less'September 27, 2010
Hair, Hens and RatatouilleSeptember 27, 2010
IG report fingers NOAA law enforcement abusesSeptember 27, 2010
Ignore China's partnersSeptember 27, 2010
Scott Brown calls out Harvard for continuing to ban ROTCSeptember 27, 2010
Kerry proved a phony once againSeptember 27, 2010
We are not amusedSeptember 27, 2010
Illegal Immigrants and CrimeSeptember 27, 2010
Ahmadinejad's weird week in New YorkSeptember 26, 2010
Confirmed: Rats Flee Sinking White House ShipSeptember 26, 2010
Desperate Dems crawl into the gutterSeptember 26, 2010
This is more important to the UN than stopping Iranian nukesSeptember 26, 2010
WH Office of Faith Based Initiatives just another propaganda armSeptember 26, 2010
Renee Ellmers extreme? Don't forget the attackSeptember 26, 2010
Another great political adSeptember 26, 2010
Dems lead in CA; Rubio up big in FLSeptember 26, 2010
Citizen groups unmasking Dem voter fraudSeptember 26, 2010
Memo to all employeesSeptember 26, 2010
Has Israel 'attacked' the Iranian nuclear program already?September 26, 2010
Repatriating JobsSeptember 26, 2010
The Stink Bug Scourge of DCSeptember 25, 2010
Another Dem leader blames stupid voters for not supporting DemsSeptember 25, 2010
Another Soros-front left wing religious group exposedSeptember 25, 2010
CNN Poll: Obama a new lowSeptember 25, 2010
An under the radar bailoutSeptember 25, 2010
Buffett to Taxpayers: Get over Your AngerSeptember 25, 2010
FBI searches anti-war protestors homes on 'terror warrant'September 25, 2010
Linda McMahon and the JFK LegacySeptember 25, 2010
Plenty of seats still available to hear The OneSeptember 25, 2010
In Case You Hadn't Already RealizedSeptember 25, 2010
Which 'Malik Shabazz' visited the White House?September 25, 2010
Liberty or LicenseSeptember 25, 2010
Reagan 'responds' to Obama and his supportersSeptember 24, 2010
Mr. Colbert Goes to WashingtonSeptember 24, 2010
I Can See November from My PewSeptember 24, 2010
'November is coming' (video)September 24, 2010
Another GOP sore loser may run as write inSeptember 24, 2010
Devastating Black Panther voter intimidation testimony today (updated)September 24, 2010
How did that nutcase get past security at the UN to address delegates?September 24, 2010
Lacking courage, Dems put off vote on Bush tax cuts until after electionSeptember 24, 2010
Christine and the 'mice with human brains'September 24, 2010
Obama: Losing friends and gaining enemiesSeptember 24, 2010
Oregano to the rescueSeptember 24, 2010
William Ayers denied academic honorificSeptember 24, 2010
Memo to Dems; stop worryingSeptember 24, 2010
Ecuador:An Attempted International Ripoff Dissolves in FarceSeptember 24, 2010
SEIU pushes rapists, thugs as home health care aides in CASeptember 24, 2010
Remembering the Words of Candidate ObamaSeptember 23, 2010
A Belated Reaction To China's Rare Earth ThreatSeptember 23, 2010
The Pledge Shows a GOP Willing to Confront ObamaSeptember 23, 2010
You can keep your plan ... or maybe notSeptember 23, 2010
Obama's small circle of friendsSeptember 23, 2010
Those, like, totally weird constitutionalistsSeptember 23, 2010
Constitutional Law Trumps Sharia Law in MichiganSeptember 23, 2010
China blocks strategic minerals to JapanSeptember 23, 2010
Barney Frank in troubleSeptember 23, 2010
Happy Obamacare DaySeptember 23, 2010
Remembering the Blunder YearsSeptember 23, 2010
US teaching Muslims how to win power in democraciesSeptember 23, 2010
On the road again selling health care reformSeptember 23, 2010
Bell, CA city fathers frog marched to the slammerSeptember 23, 2010
Undying opposition to ObamaSeptember 23, 2010
Defeating the Obama MachineSeptember 23, 2010
Shocking video of race-baiting Dem CongresswomanSeptember 23, 2010
United States is 'Woefully Unprepared' for Nuclear TerrorismSeptember 23, 2010
5 Dem Congressmen say they voted against TARP - before they were even electedSeptember 23, 2010
GOP 'Pledge to America'September 22, 2010
A Tale of Two StoriesSeptember 22, 2010
The Islamintern Is Coming to (Chi-) TownSeptember 22, 2010
Hillary's Campaign for Clean Cooking StovesSeptember 22, 2010
Hypocritical newspaper editors (updated)September 22, 2010
Robert Mugabe's bloody diamond deal with ChinaSeptember 22, 2010
Powell 'clarifies' remarks on illegalsSeptember 22, 2010
US support of PA undermines compromiseSeptember 22, 2010
Graph for the Day for September 22, 2010September 22, 2010
Obama: 'We can absorb a terrorist attack'September 22, 2010
WH Science Advisor gives away warmist gameSeptember 22, 2010
Metastasizing UnemploymentSeptember 22, 2010
It's Fed silly season againSeptember 22, 2010
European voters reject multiculturalismSeptember 22, 2010
Obama's aunt: 'You have the obligation to make me a citizen'September 21, 2010
Rich Baehr, Monica Showalter, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showSeptember 21, 2010
Why is there no reaction to 'Shariah:The Threat to America'?September 21, 2010
The Middle East Arms RaceSeptember 21, 2010
Jesse Jackson Jr's Blagojevich Story Doesn't Match His Fundraiser'sSeptember 21, 2010
The New York Times Shills For Harry ReidSeptember 21, 2010
TOTUS: It wasn't me.September 21, 2010
Next Time, Give the Questioners Teleprompters, TooSeptember 21, 2010
Graph for the Day for September 21, 2010September 21, 2010
New records show DoJ lied about Black Panther Party caseSeptember 21, 2010
Progressive jihad against IsraelSeptember 21, 2010
Harry Reid: Senator Gillibrand is 'hot'September 21, 2010
Things Christine O'Donnell didn't doSeptember 21, 2010
Boston public unions raise $1.3 million to fight cut in taxesSeptember 21, 2010
More voters agree with Palin than ObamaSeptember 21, 2010
Chris Coons and his support for Black Liberation TheologySeptember 21, 2010
Apparently, some religions are more equal than othersSeptember 21, 2010
Bloomberg believes tea party a 'fad'September 21, 2010
An Alaskan Asks: Who's Calling Who an Extremist?September 21, 2010
GOP to unveil agenda on ThursdaySeptember 20, 2010
What To Do About The Congressional Black Caucus?September 20, 2010
Public health busybodies on the move againSeptember 20, 2010
Those cruel constitutionalistsSeptember 20, 2010
Palin, O'Donnell and the Gladiator GamesSeptember 20, 2010
'Islamaphobia' another political toolSeptember 20, 2010
Media Matters attacks those who noticed Obama edited the DeclarationSeptember 20, 2010
New York State Begins to Hurt DemsSeptember 20, 2010
Anglo-American Influence ThreatenedSeptember 20, 2010
'Guard the change,' says ObamaSeptember 20, 2010
The Tea Party and religious right as a 'Coalition of fear?'September 20, 2010
Why, Sir, Are You a Republican?September 20, 2010
Inside the mind of an American apologistSeptember 20, 2010
In anticipation of a Halloween 'trick or treat'September 20, 2010
Republican ChemotherapySeptember 20, 2010
A Steward Strolls to St. John'sSeptember 20, 2010
Colin Powell admits he uses illegal aliens to fix his houseSeptember 20, 2010
Are social cons really being left behind by the tea party?September 20, 2010
Israeli NBA Player's Mural Defaced AgainSeptember 19, 2010
John B. Dwyer, R.I.P.September 19, 2010
The law of unintended consequences strikes againSeptember 19, 2010
A Natural Law Lesson for ObamaSeptember 19, 2010
Halal to the Queen? Britain's Stealth Halal-izationSeptember 19, 2010
At least 32 dead in Baghdad car bombsSeptember 19, 2010
H.R. 6134-This one will never see the light of daySeptember 19, 2010
Michael Moore; the McDonald's at Ground Zero killed more Americans than the terroristsSeptember 19, 2010
Army charges rogue members of platoon in Afghanistan with killing civilians for sportSeptember 19, 2010
If Palin runs, it will be an unconventional path to the White HouseSeptember 19, 2010
The 'Lombardi Rule' is in effectSeptember 19, 2010
Rep. Pence finishes first in Values Voters straw pollSeptember 19, 2010
O'Donnell 'witchcraft' comment taken out of contextSeptember 19, 2010
Helen Thomas receives "Lifetime Achievement' award from CAIRSeptember 19, 2010
DeMint emerging as a genuine force in the senateSeptember 19, 2010
Incitatus, Larry Craig, John McCain and the Soon-to-Be Esteemed ColleaguesSeptember 18, 2010
The Murkowski BetrayalSeptember 18, 2010
Did the administration play politics with UAW pensions for GM supplier?September 18, 2010
DoJ investigates itselfSeptember 18, 2010
Michelle's Marvelous MaladySeptember 18, 2010
A professional Marxist vs an amateur politician for senatorSeptember 18, 2010
An informant on every cornerSeptember 18, 2010
President Obama removes 'Creator' from the Declaration of Independence.September 18, 2010
Freedom of expression forces cartoonist to go ghostSeptember 18, 2010
Why Carter dissed KennedySeptember 18, 2010
TN Dem candidate calls on Pelosi to 'step aside'September 18, 2010
DC March 10.02.10 - Communists, Socialists & SEIU UniteSeptember 18, 2010
A Badge of HonorSeptember 17, 2010
'Distaste for Popery' New York Times StyleSeptember 17, 2010
Lobbyist singing to the fedsSeptember 17, 2010
The 'Buckley Rule' - Now?September 17, 2010
The group most out of step on walking away from mortgagesSeptember 17, 2010
Say goodnight: Portman up 20 in OhioSeptember 17, 2010
All Factions Need to Heed lessons from DelawareSeptember 17, 2010
'Why Democrats can't win on taxes'September 17, 2010
Who holds the title of 'Greatest Mass Murderer in History?'September 17, 2010
Aides to Rep. Waters kicked out of Pelosi eventSeptember 17, 2010
'Contract with America II' nearly done but will anybody sign it?September 17, 2010
It's Tough Out ThereSeptember 17, 2010
Not much bang for the stimulus buckSeptember 17, 2010
From Both Sides of Their MouthsSeptember 17, 2010
Thirty years later, Carter still blames KennedySeptember 17, 2010
Equal time for gays on ballpark kiss-cams?September 17, 2010
'Social justice' goals for new consumer finance protection chief?September 16, 2010
Obsessed by Settlements, WaPo Ignores Escalating Terror Attacks from GazaSeptember 16, 2010
BBC: Arctic Ice Not Disappearing AfterallSeptember 16, 2010
Connecticut's Blumenthal to Obama: I'm With You, Comrade!September 16, 2010
Leftist Assassination Attempt Pushed Down Memory HoleSeptember 16, 2010
Public school children forced to pray to AllahSeptember 16, 2010
Libs targeting advertisers on conservative mediaSeptember 16, 2010
Democrat Alderwoman hits poll worker with carSeptember 16, 2010
We have a long way to go in correcting the liberal SenateSeptember 16, 2010
Illegal Immigrants and SlaverySeptember 16, 2010
The New O Word is 'obsolete'September 16, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 16, 2010September 16, 2010
Obama will avoid Senate confirmation process for Warren postingSeptember 16, 2010
Ryan Avoids Getting Pricked by RoseSeptember 16, 2010
Missouri Lays Bare a LieSeptember 16, 2010
Bill Clinton Helps the Republicans Run against BushSeptember 16, 2010
Islamic Mosque Raises Money for Terrorist Group HamasSeptember 16, 2010
Internet Causes Violent Reaction Among Muslims?September 16, 2010
The Right Wing Onslaught on the University?September 16, 2010
Sharia - What Every American Must KnowSeptember 16, 2010
Harry Reid's 'Pet'September 16, 2010
Clinton: Israeli-Palestinian status quo sustainable until 2040September 16, 2010
Why Conservatives Run for OfficeSeptember 15, 2010
Unemployed journalist denies JournOlist membershipSeptember 15, 2010
Eleanor Holmes Norton on Tape Strong arming a Lobbyist for $$$September 15, 2010
Foxes, Rats, Chickens, and HarpiesSeptember 15, 2010
The People ExpressSeptember 15, 2010
Burning the Constitution with the KoranSeptember 15, 2010
Reid adds DREAM act rider to defense policy billSeptember 15, 2010
GOP Leadership Betrayed by the Base? (updated)September 15, 2010
Jonah Goldberg on last night's primary resultsSeptember 15, 2010
Major announcement today from DemocratsSeptember 15, 2010
Sloppy Democrats in New MexicoSeptember 15, 2010
Oprah's 'Down Under' surpriseSeptember 15, 2010
The 'cybersecurity bill' is backSeptember 15, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 15, 2010September 15, 2010
Will GOP Victories Save Obama?September 15, 2010
Gold and the Obama AdministrationSeptember 15, 2010
China vs. UN goals in AfricaSeptember 15, 2010
Thomas Jefferson was a Shriner?September 15, 2010
Now they tell usSeptember 14, 2010
Elise Cooper, Stephen Green and Fausta Wertz on Moran's showSeptember 14, 2010
Look at Obama spend your money. See him spend. Spend. Spend. Spend.September 14, 2010
Obama's empathy gapSeptember 14, 2010
Another opening, another tragicomedy at the UNSeptember 14, 2010
Imam Rauf's goodwill tour part IISeptember 14, 2010
Administration hails 'back door Islamist coup' in TurkeySeptember 14, 2010
Tax dollars used to gauge media reaction to administration oil spill effortsSeptember 14, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 14, 2010September 14, 2010
Michelle the Menu MavenSeptember 14, 2010
The Next Big Eco-ScareSeptember 14, 2010
A Party of 'No' Means 'Yes' to LibertySeptember 14, 2010
Look who is accepting lobbyist moneySeptember 14, 2010
DOJ's IG dong a Programmatic Review of the Civil Rights DivisionSeptember 14, 2010
Win or lose, Christine O'Donnell's no Barack ObamaSeptember 14, 2010
D'Souza: 'How Obama Thinks'September 13, 2010
Imam Feisal Rauf and 'Islamic Revival'September 13, 2010
An American Maid of HonorSeptember 13, 2010
Senate impeachment trial for crooked federal judgeSeptember 13, 2010
Obama-friendly merchandise declines in salesSeptember 13, 2010
Barone on administration thuggerySeptember 13, 2010
Turkish people approve 'back door Islamist' referendumSeptember 13, 2010
Obama to kill more jobsSeptember 13, 2010
The 'L' wordSeptember 13, 2010
Left wing terrorism surges in EuropeSeptember 13, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 13, 2010September 13, 2010
Politicizing the Jewish New YearSeptember 13, 2010
Obamas take a break from vacationing to attend two major galas and big reception this weekSeptember 13, 2010
Obama says no to solar panels on White HouseSeptember 13, 2010
Is Fidel Castro a closet Democrat?September 12, 2010
A 'Death Panel' by Any Other NameSeptember 12, 2010
Saudi diplomat seeking asylum: 'My life is in danger'September 12, 2010
Islam Continues to Strengthen Geert Wilders' CaseSeptember 12, 2010
Geert Wilders 9/11 Ground Zero SpeechSeptember 12, 2010
Separation of Religion and Politics?September 12, 2010
Imam Rauf's insidious rhetoricSeptember 12, 2010
Obama Gives Al Qaeda a PassSeptember 12, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 12, 2010September 12, 2010
Bring back the manned space programSeptember 12, 2010
An Airborne Salute to MOH recipient Staff Sergeant Salvatore GiuntaSeptember 12, 2010
Suppose it were 2002...September 12, 2010
Export-Import bank to guarantee $1 billion in loans to the Mexican state oil company.September 12, 2010
Muslim children 'bear the burden of 9/11'September 12, 2010
Imam Rauf plays to the ignorance of the average MuslimSeptember 12, 2010
Giving in to 'Muslim law'September 12, 2010
Elitist Help for BusinessSeptember 11, 2010
Hallowed GroundSeptember 11, 2010
9/11: Sharia Versus FreedomSeptember 11, 2010
Don't burn the Koran, read itSeptember 11, 2010
Bloomberg hearts RangelSeptember 11, 2010
Quran burning slated for WyomingSeptember 11, 2010
Soros' latest gambitSeptember 11, 2010
Newest GM Chief Highest Paid Federal BureaucratSeptember 11, 2010
'Should we be here? Yes!'September 11, 2010
Obama discards role of even-handed mediator, pressures only Israel for major, unialteral concessionSeptember 11, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 11, 2010September 11, 2010
NY Times arrogantly severs Ariel from IsraelSeptember 11, 2010
Maxine Waters' favorite bank violated its pledge to help the poorSeptember 11, 2010
Ed Lasky on the airSeptember 11, 2010
Obama to address school-children.... againSeptember 11, 2010
Obama seeks to create a post-American world via the IMFSeptember 10, 2010
'Post-Racial' America: Israeli NBA Player Victim of Hate CrimeSeptember 10, 2010
The New Hampshire pro-life candidate is who?September 10, 2010
The bad idea that will not dieSeptember 10, 2010
I have News for the New York TimesSeptember 10, 2010
Another academic for Obama policy postSeptember 10, 2010
A little election reminder: Congress has not passed a 2011 budgetSeptember 10, 2010
Consequence of contempt for American lawSeptember 10, 2010
Obama enriches hedge fundsSeptember 10, 2010
Koran Burning and Islam's Rightly Guided Caliph UthmanSeptember 10, 2010
Obama White House employees owe $800,000 in back taxesSeptember 10, 2010
Castro's Cathartic ConversationSeptember 10, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 10, 2010September 10, 2010
Don't you dare threaten us!September 10, 2010
Campaign enters new phaseSeptember 10, 2010
The lights are going out in AmericaSeptember 10, 2010
The Municipal Maw of America's AbyssSeptember 10, 2010
Pre-election shockwavesSeptember 9, 2010
You can't choose your high school classmatesSeptember 9, 2010
Great news from HollywoodSeptember 9, 2010
The Question Is: Whose Books Are You Burning?September 9, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 9, 2010September 9, 2010
DoJ war against border enforcement continuesSeptember 9, 2010
Obama's 'new stimulus' another union pay-offSeptember 9, 2010
Hillary Clinton says Obama's foreign policy is workingSeptember 9, 2010
China asserts need for a 'carrier killer'September 9, 2010
A test on Islam, PC, and ProgressivismSeptember 9, 2010
Tap Shoes and Pink SlipsSeptember 9, 2010
US finally gets illegal alien czar -- for fishSeptember 9, 2010
Obama's transparency and Gore's school: Iconic and IronicSeptember 9, 2010
Public Nuisance at the New York TimesSeptember 9, 2010
If you have bedbugs, thank Al GoreSeptember 8, 2010
Why burn the entire Koran?September 8, 2010
A High-Speed FantasySeptember 8, 2010
Reporting from the O'Donnell Campaign in DelawareSeptember 8, 2010
New Koranic Dissimulation (Taqiyya) From Imam Feisal RaufSeptember 8, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 8, 2010September 8, 2010
Some lessons on government funding brought to you by Madison and HamiltonSeptember 8, 2010
New rock anthem same as the old rock anthemSeptember 8, 2010
Hartford City Council welcomes opening Muslim prayer (Updated)September 8, 2010
Was Obama's Hendrix Reference Freudian?September 8, 2010
Obama brags about how hard he works in Labor Day speechSeptember 8, 2010
Celebrating the Jewish holidays but with increased securitySeptember 8, 2010
Obamanomics & the art of computer salesSeptember 8, 2010
A Bare-knuckled Locker-room Nudist for Chicago Mayor?September 8, 2010
Democrats and the 'KopechneTreatment' for marginal candidatesSeptember 8, 2010
The great tolerance trade-offSeptember 7, 2010
Larrey Anderson, Monica Showalter, and Jeff Dunetz on Moran's showSeptember 7, 2010
Obama to skip 9/11 Ground Zero ceremonySeptember 7, 2010
Obama brings his Magic to Connecticut Senate RaceSeptember 7, 2010
Sharpton's fake non-profit on the brink of bankruptcySeptember 7, 2010
General Petreaus condemns church's plan to burn KoransSeptember 7, 2010
Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights WatchSeptember 7, 2010
From Greek God to American DogSeptember 7, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 7, 2010September 7, 2010
Placing the Mosque on the Other FootSeptember 7, 2010
Obama's 'fill-in-the-blank' campaign strategy an epic failureSeptember 7, 2010
Fresh out of hope and changeSeptember 7, 2010
Obama, the 'leader of all Muslims'?September 7, 2010
'They talk about me like a dog'September 7, 2010
A Nobel Prize winning ideaSeptember 7, 2010
Five Best Books to Make Glenn Beck's Head ExplodeSeptember 6, 2010
Lindsey Graham's Middle PieceSeptember 6, 2010
Imam Feisal Rauf -- Sharia Uber Alles!September 6, 2010
The power of images turned against the DemocratsSeptember 6, 2010
Obama's political toxicity on display todaySeptember 6, 2010
GOP advantage in CNN poll risingSeptember 6, 2010
White House panicking over electionsSeptember 6, 2010
Tim Kaine: Dems have helped economy 'turn a corner'September 6, 2010
Just Spoiled Brats?September 6, 2010
Time Magazine is Already Blaming Israel if Peace FailsSeptember 6, 2010
Organizing Ford; the 1941 River Rouge strikeSeptember 6, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 6, 2010September 6, 2010
Genuflecting to the politically correct version of 9/11September 6, 2010
Final Jeopardy: The answer is zeroSeptember 6, 2010
How's that Iranian outreach working out Barry?September 6, 2010
Papal Visit May Awaken Secular Britain from Religious ApathySeptember 5, 2010
NY Times test of Clinton diplomacy -- Just handle Bibi and U.S. Jews; No problems with AbbasSeptember 5, 2010
Ground Zero Bargain MosqueSeptember 5, 2010
Green Money LaunderingSeptember 5, 2010
ETA No Violence Pledge Suspect Says BarcepunditSeptember 5, 2010
Broke LA School District building half a billion dollar schoolSeptember 5, 2010
UC Irvine upholds suspension of Muslim student groupSeptember 5, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 5, 2010September 5, 2010
What kind of socialist is Obama?September 5, 2010
Iranian woman sentenced to stoning for adultery to be whippedSeptember 5, 2010
Sharia -- Women at RiskSeptember 5, 2010
Michelle's No Fat Kid Program Has a ProblemSeptember 5, 2010
Flirting with the Teens (updated)September 5, 2010
'Big Oil' in the United States - Deep FriedSeptember 5, 2010
Professor who was attacked by Muslim extremists fired by collegeSeptember 4, 2010
Real joblessness at 16.7%September 4, 2010
Israeli ambassador: Hezb'allah has 15,000 rockets at Israel's borderSeptember 4, 2010
Jihad, Islamization, and the Arab-Israeli 'Peace Process'September 4, 2010
FEC allows SEIU's illegal political fund-raising schemeSeptember 4, 2010
Democrats asking voters to forget their recordSeptember 4, 2010
Suddenly airline baggage fees sound reasonableSeptember 4, 2010
Unions in top heavy electoral states beneficiaries of Obama's largessSeptember 4, 2010
Jesse Jackson's tough day in DetroitSeptember 4, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 4, 2010September 4, 2010
Angry voters want to take it out on Democrats at record levelsSeptember 4, 2010
Oh Paul, Again With The Nonsense?September 4, 2010
For Democrats, the proof is in the telling, not the puddingSeptember 3, 2010
Liberal hypocrites on the estate taxSeptember 3, 2010
Obama: Mr. Unpopular? - It's the People's Fault!September 3, 2010
A faulty comparisonSeptember 3, 2010
NY Times coverage of peace talks parrots Palestinian agendaSeptember 3, 2010
As Dems face defeat, lib columnist attacks votersSeptember 3, 2010
As predicted, employers pushing more health insurance costs on employeesSeptember 3, 2010
Private payrolls rise; overall jobless number at 9.6%September 3, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 3, 2010September 3, 2010
Sabato's crystal ball sees red on election daySeptember 3, 2010
Where's the magic gone?September 3, 2010
The secret to Obama's Iraq 'success?' Do nothingSeptember 3, 2010
Washington peace talks and the laws of gravitySeptember 3, 2010
The Coulter-Homocon controversySeptember 3, 2010
Young people disenchanted with Obama and the DemocratsSeptember 3, 2010
Environmental terrorism: Alive, well and dangerous.September 3, 2010
Your Dog's Papers (and your money), Please.September 2, 2010
The Make Believe Mosque and Info On Rauf's FundersSeptember 2, 2010
Obama 'seemed to have it in for for the automakers' -- Car CzarSeptember 2, 2010
Obama is wrong again!September 2, 2010
U.N. report clearly not treason, just treasonousSeptember 2, 2010
Christina Romer's True ConfessionsSeptember 2, 2010
Time pre-blames Israel for coming peace talks failureSeptember 2, 2010
Cracks in Climate Change Onslaught AppearSeptember 2, 2010
The Mask SlipsSeptember 2, 2010
An Inconvenient ExtremistSeptember 2, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 2, 2010September 2, 2010
Rep. Waters turns political endorsements into a family businessSeptember 2, 2010
New York Times blames the victims for Beit Hagai massacreSeptember 2, 2010
Libya's latest extortion attemptSeptember 2, 2010
Of bedbugs and Muslim slumlordsSeptember 2, 2010
Thomas Sowell's PessimismSeptember 2, 2010
Ramadan hate TVSeptember 2, 2010
Harry Reid and Energy Legislation: Bet on a Lame Duck SessionSeptember 2, 2010
Used car prices spike in wake of Cash For ClunkersSeptember 1, 2010
Greenie nut takes Discovery Channel HQ hostage, killed by policeSeptember 1, 2010
Obama's lawyerly evasions on IraqSeptember 1, 2010
Government scientist: assume blame for humans in extreme weather eventsSeptember 1, 2010
The Latest Terrorist Test RunSeptember 1, 2010
Administration Tries and Fails To Pull a Fast One (Drilling Moratorium)September 1, 2010
Withdrawal or Redeployment? China Fears the LatterSeptember 1, 2010
Palin the TacticianSeptember 1, 2010
Graph of the Day for September 1, 2010September 1, 2010
Whip Uncertainty Now: An Exit Strategy from Obama's EconomySeptember 1, 2010
Obama's new Oval Office digsSeptember 1, 2010
It's Not Just a New York IssueSeptember 1, 2010
John Cusack; tweeting under the influenceSeptember 1, 2010
Liberal Billionaires Good, Conservative Billionaires EvilSeptember 1, 2010
This is how Arabs respond to Israeli 'confidence building measures'September 1, 2010
O Algae! Save Us from Big Oil!September 1, 2010
Why did the Rev. Al Sharpton oppose Beck's rally?September 1, 2010
The 'New Normal' for the economy
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