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August 24, 2010
Why so touchy?
Ever since the recent polls came out that a fairly significant, and growing, number of Americans believe that President Obama is a Muslim, there seems to be a really strange pattern of behavior developing. It seems like every elite media type on the air and in print is highly upset, even indignant, that people might think Mr. O is an adherent of the ‘religion of peace.'
Let's forget about the reason that people might believe this to be true and ask another question. Why would the elites care if people believe this? First, they have always said that religion is a personal choice and nobody has a right to ask what a person's personal beliefs are. At least you're not supposed to ask Democrats that question. So if it doesn't matter and it's nobody's business, why should they care what people think? Second, and more importantly, from having watched and listened to these reporters in the past, most logical observers would predict that they would take this as a positive if they had any reaction at all. Oh NO! That was most assuredly not the case.
It's utterly absurd to think the President is a Muslim. Ridiculous. Ludicrous. Slanderous. It's mostly just ignorant right wingers that believe this. These are just a few of the red faced comments broadcast over the airwaves in the past few days. From listening to the mainstream media in the past, most people were under the impression that Islam was the only good religion out there. It's surely the only one the media routinely defends, along with their friends at the ACLU. Islam is supposed to be all about peace and holding hands and singing kumbaya to hear them tell it. It's only crazy evil Christian fundamentalists spreading lies about Islam that give it a bad name. They should be happy people think the ‘One' is Muslim.
Why the eye-bulging denials? It's almost as if the President's sycophants thought people were accusing Obama of belonging to some cult-like sect that espoused stoning women for talking to strange men, or required you to submit to their beliefs or pay a tax for the right to keep breathing, or forced young girls to marry old men they have never met, or jailed people if they dare to chew gum in the daytime during certain months, or call for the total annihilation of a certain country that worships differently, or thought it was really cool to saw living breathing screaming people's heads off live on the internet . The talking heads would probably have been less apoplectic if 30% of the nation thought the current inhabitant of the oval office was a pedophile or serial killer.