August 2, 2010
The Stark Reality
At the end of June, the nation witnessed firsthand the behavior of California Congressman, Fortney "Pete" Stark, towards what he clearly regards as the commoners in his district. This video received over 259,000 hits from a populace tired of being told by elected officials across the land to "talk to the hand."
Stark's contemptuous behavior just reared its ugly head once again this past Saturday, July 24th at another town hall meeting in his district. (video link) As evidenced by the endless repertoire of snarky comments and silly hand gestures, Fortney "Pete" Stark is consistently contemptuous of the good people who will vote in November.
This chronic scorn qualifies Stark as one leftwing politician who cannot claim the defense of having misspoken and then continue on his marauding way through Congress -- slashing jobs, ransacking businesses and raping bank accounts -- pillaging hard-working Americans and disbursing the spoils of war as he decrees, all in the name of "representing the People."
The stark reality is that his behavior is not unusual in a country where an elite political class:
- votes for their own salary increases in the face of a faltering economy,
- continues to vote against the will of the people,
- refuses to meet with constituents during congressional recesses,
- isn't subject to the same forced healthcare legislation it imposed on the citizenry, 85% of whom were happy with their healthcare insurance,
- spends $101,000 for in-flight booze and food,*
- will fund $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job,*
- spends $3 billion re-sanding beaches that wash back into the sea,*
- loses $50 million annually due to overstaffing the postal service,*
- lost $100 million on unused but refundable airline tickets at the Department of Defense,* and
- spent $126 million on projects related to the Kennedy legacy.*
*For a more complete listing of wasteful government spending visit
I'm not a psychologist, but I would bet good money that "Little Lord Fortney" was ridiculed and possibly even bullied by his classmates as a schoolboy and is now projecting that anger onto the very people who gave him his power. What else would explain his near pathological disdain for his subjects, I mean, constituents?
Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm. James Madison, Federalist No. 10.