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August 21, 2010
Obamacare; the reality is just starting to sink in
Barry, Harry and Nancy drove our healthcare system into the ditch and now they refuse to hand over the keys. Rather than call for a tow truck, the "Unholy Three" and their fellow travelers in the Obamacare advocacy racket are giving the wreck a fresh coat of wax in an attempt to woo the ever skeptical public.
Politico reports that Obamacare advocates are ditching their cost and deficit reduction sales pitch in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. The challenge of defending Obamacare was discussed during a conference call and power point presentation which was organized for the shrinking community of true believers by Families USA and the Herndon Alliance. The presentation told participants
"Straightforward ‘policy' defenses fail to [move] voters' opinions about the law," says one slide. "Women in particular are concerned that health care law will mean less provider availability-scarcity an issue."
The presentation also concedes that the fiscal and economic arguments that were the White House's first and most aggressive sales pitch have essentially failed."
"Many don't believe health care reform will help the economy," says one slide.
The presentation's final page of ‘Don'ts" counsels against claiming "the law will reduce costs and [the] deficit."
While Obamacare advocates and supporters were developing their new sales campaign to calm the wary public during the upcoming election season, Milwaukee based Assurant Health was announcing the elimination of 130 jobs. The Journal-Sentinel reports that.
The company, which sells health insurance for individuals and small employers as well as short-term policies, faces an onslaught of new federal health care reform regulations, including the requirement that it spend 80% of premiums on medical care.
State insurance commissioners are still working on the proposed rules for the percentage of premiums that must be spent on medical care. The requirement is expected to lower profit margins and to force some companies out of the market.
Wasn't Obamacare supposed to create new jobs, reduce costs, lower the deficit and improve access? We knew this was coming and this abomination didn't need to be passed so we could find out what was in it. Gee if only those who voted for this toxic bill would have read it before ramming it down our throats. Vote this November like your life depends on it, because this time it really does!