Obama pivots toward the middle

Obama's long-anticipated, pre-election move to the center is finally here. With two months to go before mid-term elections, Obama is changing his message, and hoping his party benefits from the change. In an interview with NBC's Brian Williams on Sunday, our President carefully interspersed "moderate" verbiage with his usual Progressive dogma.

Watch the interview here.

While there were plenty of weakly delivered paeans to the Left, Obama offered more than his usual tasty morsels to the Independent middle:

"[We need to] help small business [and]...eliminate capital gains taxes."

"I've always put my money on the American people."

"[We must oppose] terrorists who want to do us harm...."

"I was doing some historical reading during [my vacation]....we kinda go through these periods...[and then] come out of that funk...." (What an audaciously contemptuous attempt to slander Beck and the Tea Party's focus on our history.)

To complete his moderate "bona fides", Obama's concluding remarks center on the need to address the national debt, the national deficit, and private investment.

Just in case you're inclined to buy into this collection of drivel, there is one other quote from the interview that is more telling than all of the rest. While defending his position on the Ground Zero Mosque, Mr. Obama says,

"My job as President is to make sure, in part, that we're upholding our Constitution."

What Oath?

He'll never pull it off, but even Obama knows that his messages must change for the Democrats to avert disaster in November. He's a day late, and 4 trillion dollars short.

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