Does Sarah Palin need more security?

A recent video shot in an Alaskan airport by a member of the smear website Palingates shows an unknown cameraman approaching Sarah Palin in the airport outside of security and filming her quite close. Palingates is a site entirely devoted to the obsession of trying to politically and personally attack Sarah Palin and all members of her family. The purveyors of the site are so obsessive that it borders on stalking. However what is the most disturbing in the piece is just how close the videographer got to Sarah Palin without any intervention from others.

Palin is no stranger to media stalking. Just recently Joe McGinniss, an author working on a hit piece on Palin, rented the house next door to the Palins to "study his subject more closely." The left's obsession with Palin borders on something clinically scary and many have called for her death in YouTube comments, blog posts and so on. Even some prominent leftists have openly wished for Sarah Palin's death in public such as Kieth Halloran (D) of New Hampshire. The obsession even goes so far as having several people wish for Alaska's Secession, in Newsweek's ridiculous "thought experiment", from the union so long as Sarah Palin goes with them.

Finally in a recent radio show, Glenn Beck told a story of a Sarah Palin that casually walked out of airports and into public streets like she was just another citizen. Beck told of his driver asking Glenn to please ask Sarah Palin to wait for him and not just walk out into public alone.

It's clear that Sarah Palin is confident in her ability to handle the media and enjoys meeting the public, but politicians have been injured or killed before by such unhinged opponents. The amount of obsessive rage being directed at Palin by the left is enough to warrant caution, perhaps the hiring of a bodyguard or two, no disrespect to Todd. In addition to Palin being one of the best chances for defeating Obama and his socialist allies, America needs honest and patriotic politicians like the Palins. America also needs the left to continue to expose their vile hatred of Palin and her children personally to shine a spotlight on just what the left is all about.

All political points aside, Sarah and Todd Palin need to take a serious look at their security if nothing else for the sake of their children.



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