GOP up 11 points in generic ballot

A new Fox News poll has the good news:

With less than 100 days until the midterm elections, American voters would give the edge to Republicans by an 11 percentage-point margin if the Congressional election were today. Yet a majority doesn't think a Republican takeover of Congress would lead to positive change.

A Fox News poll released Thursday finds that if Americans were heading to the voting booth today, they would back the Republican candidate in their district over the Democrat by 47-36 percent. Two weeks ago the Republicans had a slimmer 4-point advantage (41-37 percent).

As has been the case all year, Republicans continue to be more interested in the upcoming election. Thirty-six percent of Republicans are "extremely" interested compared to 23 percent of Democrats.

Despite the Republican edge on the generic ballot question, voters have mixed views on how things would change if the GOP gained control of Congress. Thirty-eight percent think there would be no real change. Thirty-seven percent think it would lead to change for the better, while 21 percent say it would change for the worse.

All of this is good news. Now what's needed is to give these angry voters a reason - a positive reason - to vote GOP.

No word yet on a "Contract with American II" although Minority Leader John Boehner has promised one before the end of the summer. The fact that a majority say that there there would be no real change, or change for the worse means that a large slice of the electorate is still persuadable. A GOP agenda of tax cuts, rolling back Obama's agenda, and other free market stimulus to get the economy going would probably have a positive impact on many races that are balanced on a knife's edge now - including some senate races that, if won, might give the GOP control of that body.

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