For the love of God, please stop helping us!

Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama all went for McCain.  Now comes the retribution, in the form of an economy-destroying ban on deep-water oil well drilling.  The first moratorium was scornfully tossed by a federal district judge, and his decision was upheld in appellate court.  But that hasn't stopped the Obama Administration, which is now calling for a "suspension" of deep-water drilling.  That threat continues to create havoc within the Gulf Coast oil industry, with rigs leaving for Africa and Brazil.  In Brazil, they'll be put to work pumping up George Soros' investment in Petrobras. 

And once they're gone, they're gone.  As one critic said, getting them back into the Gulf will be like putting the toothpaste back into the tube.  Even James Carville, the Democratic Party's most ardent apologist, is apoplectic  over the administration's actions.  As Carville notes, his beloved Louisiana has been torn to pieces by federal incompetence, beginning with the wholly inadequate levees built by the Army Corps of Engineers to protect New Orleans from storm surges. 

In his blog this morning on the popular Bayou Buzz website, political commentator Jeff Crouere wrote,

"Does the President care that his decisions are causing major economic harm to Louisiana? It seems the goal of the administration is to inflict economic harm on the red state of Louisiana. Yesterday, it was announced that a major shipyard, Avondale, located right outside of New Orleans will be closing in 2013, which will result in the loss of 5,000 direct jobs and 7,000 indirect jobs. These are high paying positions that will not be replaced anytime soon. Next to Tulane University, this shipyard is the largest private sector employer in the New Orleans, so the blow to the local economy is major."

What?  New Orleans doesn't have enough problems?

We continue to be told an economic rebound is on the way.  But the American economy is powered by investment, which is just another word for risking your money to make more money.  Who would invest in the oil and gas industry, given the administration's insistence on damaging it?   Mitt Romney recently called the Obama Administration the most anti-business administration since the Carter days.  But Romney was wrong.  This is the most anti-business administration in American history.
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