GOP and Diversity: A New Life for the Grand Old Party

Writing in the Washington Examiner, Noemie Emery lists this year's crop of Republican likely winners. She begins with the women who are heading their tickets,(Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina in California; Sharon Angle in Nevada; Susana Martinez is running for governor in New Mexico; and in South Carolina Nikki Haley).

Emery continues on to the non-white Republican headliners, noting that they are very diverse but not by artifice or rule. They hew to similar principles and are where they are because they share the views of their constituents .

Democrats organize themselves by identity interests; Republicans by ideology, beside which all else is irrelevant. Republicans never claim they are spokesmen at large for their race or their gender; Democrats do it incessantly. They seem to believe this is true.

Republican women are extremely diverse when it comes to abortion, and the Republican slice of the nonpale population may tend less to black than to brown. Polls show that about 5 percent of Tea Party members are black (as opposed to about 12 percent of the population in general), which seems surprisingly high in view of the fact that this demographic is not strongly inclined toward limited government.

Small government, on the other hand, sits well with emigres from East Asia, who a) are not burdened by grievance-based interest groups, and b) when they get here, tend to set up small businesses and favor low taxes that spur their success.

"Because Democrats put more of an emphasis on identity politics, [you] have to contend with other constituencies who might think ... it's 'their turn,' " says the Hoover Institute's Tunku Varadarajan, adding that success rests more on the size of one's ethnic constituency than on the value of one's ideas. No one counts on the "Indian vote" to elect Nikki Haley, which is the best thing about her.

For these reasons, Republicans has the country's only Vietnamese congressman, and may soon have its only two Indian governors, when Haley joins Bobby Jindal, R-La., now building his profile fighting the Gulf oil spill. He may appear before long on a national ticket, as may Marco Rubio (parents from Cuba), if he wins his race for the Senate in Florida. If he, Scott, West and Haley all win their races, this will be a very New South.

Clarice Feldman

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