German President tells the truth; forced to resign

German President Horst Köhler resigned his office after comments he made about the German mission in Afghanistan.

Did he say that German had no business in that country? Not at all. Kohler told a reporter following a visit to German troops that it was in Germany's economic interests to be in Afghanistan.

Among lefties, this is a no-no.

The president had become the target of intense criticism following remarks he made during a surprise visit to soldiers of the Bundeswehr German army in Afghanistan on May 22. In an interview with a German radio reporter who accompanied him on the trip, he seemed to justify his country's military missions abroad with the need to protect economic interests.

"A country of our size, with its focus on exports and thus reliance on foreign trade, must be aware that ... military deployments are necessary in an emergency to protect our interests -- for example when it comes to trade routes, for example when it comes to preventing regional instabilities that could negatively influence our trade, jobs and incomes," Köhler said.

It sounded as though Köhler was justifying wars for the sake of economic interests, in the context of the Afghan mission which is highly controversial in Germany and throughout Europe.

Lefties here and in Europe claim that one can only fight wars when your country has absolutely no interests at stake at all. Only self-abnegating, heroically unselfish motivations will do for Euro-leftists. Self defense, or defense of economic interests is just not fashionable.

Of course, as far as defending their economic interests, Euro-lefties don't mind America doing their fighting and dying for them. This gives them the twofold advantage of enjoying our protection while at the same time, being able to call us warmongers and baby killers.

The best of both worlds...
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