Drug cartels attacking rehab centers

Could it be that we are overlooking the Occam's razor explanation for the seemingly senseless attacks by drug cartels in Mexico on drug rehabilitation facilities? News accounts have attributed such murderous attacks to the desire of Mexican drug cartels to root out their enemies who may have taken refuge in such beneficent establishments.

What if the truth is much more simply that the Mexican drug cartels want to terrify anyone with thoughts of escaping their personal addiction and thus their financial obeisance to the drug lords who must have a substantially addicted population in order to maintain their customer base?

You seek treatment? Then you perhaps will find random death as well.

You stay hooked, then we permit you to live your miserable, addicted existence.

You try to get clean, you may very well die clean, muchacho, free of drugs, but still just as dead.

It is a monstrous extension of the modern marketing concept of creating a loyal customer base. If you don't buy and use our product we will kill you, quite as simply as that.

And we tolerate this lawlessness on an opposite riverbank? We do not consider a lawless hive of criminal activity across a pencil-thin river border such as that which separates El Paso and Juarez to be a threat to American society?

If not, then our national leaders have to be the biggest fools in the world, sitting sanctimoniously on their capitol hill, while such outrageous lawlessness gushes away and pollutes America's border with Mexico. Will we finally take action when twenty or thirty American drug addicts are gunned down, execution style, in a rehab facility in El Paso, Tucson or San Diego?

Perhaps a drug spill of such massive proportions may finally get their attention.







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