um...about those budget savings we were going to get from Obamacare...

Whoops! There goes the Congressional Budget office again--proving with hard facts and figures that Obamacare will cost more, as a matter of fact, much, much more, $115 billion more over ten years than President Barack Hussein Obama (D) estimated.

But...but...but Obama claimed his bill would reduce costs. Ah, but as the first ever female Speaker of the House, Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated while pushing it through, "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

Well ok, Barack, Nancy and all the others, we are now finding out what's in what you passed.

The budget scam that would have made Bernie Madoff blush. Medicare won't be cut.

And then there are all types of administrative money devouring costs and discretionary spending that CBO didn't mention in the original draft but are now part of the final health care legislation.

[A]dministrative expenses for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Internal Revenue Service for carrying out key requirements of the legislation.

Explicit authorizations for future appropriations for a variety of grant and other program spending for which the act identifies the specific funding levels it envisions for one or more years.


Explicit authorizations for future appropriations for a variety of grant and other program spending for which no specific funding levels are identified in the legislation.
The $115 billion cost overrun doesn't even include the third item.

Ok the law was passed in what Pelosi believed was the most open process ever.

Greece, here we come! But who will loan us money then? China? Saudi Arabia?

hat tip: David Hogberg,

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