Phoney baloney jobs numbers from the Census Bureau

This makes you wonder in what other areas is the government playing fast and loose with jobs numbers.

From the New York Post:

Last week, one of the millions of workers hired by Census 2010 to parade around the country counting Americans blew the whistle on some statistical tricks.

The worker, Naomi Cohn, told The Post that she was hired and fired a number of times by Census. Each time she was hired back, it seems, Census was able to report the creation of a new job to the Labor Department.

It gets better:

Labor doesn't check the Census hiring figure or whether the jobs are actually new or recycled. It considers a new job to have been created if someone is hired to work at least one hour a month.

One hour! A month! So, if a worker is terminated after only one hour and another is hired in her place, then a second new job can apparently be reported to Labor . (I've been unable to get Census to explain this to me.)

Yeah...I'll bet. Here's another story from a census worker:

"I have been hired, trained for a week, given a few hours of work, then laid off. So my unemployed self now counts for four new jobs.

"I have been paid more to train all four times than I have been paid to actually produce results. These are my tax dollars and your tax dollars at work.

"A few months ago I was trained for three days and offered five hours of work counting the homeless. Now, I am knocking (on) doors trying to find the people that have not returned their Census forms. I worked the 2000 Census. It was a far more organized venture.

"Have to run and meet my crew leader, even though with this rain I did not work today. So I can put in a pay sheet for the hour or hour and a half this meeting will take. Sincerely, C.M."

There's more from another worker but you get the picture.

About 20% of jobs created in March and April were the result of the census hiring temporary workers. We can gather from this anecdotal evidence that at least some managers are fudging their employment numbers - perhaps to please higher ups or maybe on the orders from someone up the chain of command.

Which would you like to place your money on?


Hat Tip: Curtis Franz

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