It's official: Elena Kagan nominated for SCOTUS

President Obama has just formally announced the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. This nomination is hardly a surprise coming from President Obama.  It appears that one of the primary qualifications to be nominated by this administration is to have no hands-on experience in the job one is nominated to.  There is virtually no one in the cabinet or senior staff that has ever run a business or met a payroll and even fewer with military experience.  This President constantly looks to community organizing groups, academia and government as his source for people to operate within his regime.  Thus Elana Kagan is the perfect nominee for Barack Obama both in ideology and experience.

Her entire career has been in the government or academia.  She has had no interplay with the public. Her life has been spent in the comfortable bubble of like-minded fellow travelers who live in isolation to what goes on the real world.  If approved to the Supreme Court, her decisions will effect millions of people and the future of the country.  It would have helped if she actually knew something about the day-to-day lives of the American people.

But then she has been nominated by a President who lives and breaths ideology over the Constitution and is himself the consummate example of the "Peter Principle" of incompetence rising to the top. 

J.C. Arenas adds:
During the announcement, Obama was fishing for ways to compliment Kagan and came up with" she is the granddaughter of immigrants."

I guess that's just one of those characteristics that makes her "uniquely-qualified." She and probably everyone else in the room.
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