ACORN insider lays out the 'stealth socialism' strategy
Anita Moncrief has written a worthwhile personal account of her involvement with ACORN, and effectively lays out the entire strategy the Alinksy left, and its chosen instrument, Barack Obama, to "fundamentally change" America. Moncrief describes the moment in 2008, when she went from unwitting to witting, in terms of the strategy to make America into a people's socialist republic.
From October 2005 until 2008, I did fundraising work with ACORN and used political donor lists. All Democrat: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Democratic National Committee. When I appeared as a guest on "The O'Reilly Factor" last year, I said that ACORN had served for years as an unofficial arm of the Democratic Party, but Bill O'Reilly didn't discuss that with me. Ignoring it is exactly what the stealth socialists want.
... it seems impossible that the coalition that put Obama in the White House and gave Democrats huge majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives will continue to work smoothly together now that Obama and the Congressional Democrats are in control and America is learning what Obama really meant by the seductive-sounding "hope and change." ACORN needed the cloak of stealth socialism to maintain its hold on the poor. ACORN's image is synonymous with blacks and other minorities and the race card has become the last bastion of its "hope."