The Suicidal Insurance Industry

The lobbying group that represents the U.S. health insurance industry, AHIP (America's Health Insurance Plans), announced the lineup for its annual meeting June 9 –11 in Las Vegas.  I present the full speaker list without comment so you can draw your own conclusions:

Bill Clinton, former President of the United States.

David Cutler, advisor to President Obama and Harvard economist, who alleges that ObamaCare will reduce health care costs by $600 billion over the next decade and increase U.S. employment by up to 400,000 per year.   

Robert Reich, former Clinton Adminisration official.

Donna Shalala, former Clinton Administration official.

Bill Frist, former Republican Senate Majority Leader who said he would have voted for ObamaCare.  

Susan Dentzer, correspondent for the PBS probram “Health Affairs,” which is funded by the liberal Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  

Alice Rivlin, former Clinton Administration official.  

David M. Walker from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which released a study suggesting that ObamaCare “could result in slightly lower deficits if it is implemented as intended and remains unchanged.”  

Oh, and there is Gary Hamel -- a leading management guru.

Although AHIP may be forced to drop Hamel from its agenda after he recently tweeted: “RNs and MDs most trusted professions in US; HMO managers and congress members the least.  Weird the latter wrote rules for the former.”

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