Just who is playing the race card?
Last Thursday millions of Americans took to the streets to protest high taxes and out of control government spending. It has been a year since this movement began and during this time the left has been waiting for these citizens to go back into their political slumber. Much to their dismay the movement continues to grow. As a result they have pulled out many of the tactics in Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals," as a way to control the argument and give power to the "have-nots."
As the debate has become more heated between the left and right one group seems to be stoking the fire intentionally. The left continues to vilify the conservative movement as a mob of racists due to the election of an African American President.
Recently, I wrote about a racial slur which was yelled by a leftist at Michael Johns during a Tea Party speech. The man called Mr. Johns a "white boy." This specific Tea Party event had little news coverage and yet it was simple to find a racial slur being cast from amongst the few in attendance. The main stream media has yet to broadcast this video.
Now, I have been provided with a second video. This video was taken at Tax Day in Washington, DC. A gentleman using a tactic from "Rules for Radicals" is caught on tape calling Tea Partiers "you red neck white people." This tactic is to control the topic of debate. They change the conversation so they do not have to speak of true issues or facts. It is a simple tactic that is proving to be ineffective as the Tea Party movement continues to move forward towards the November election.
Now this question remains: why we haven't heard the leadership of the left speak out against their own that has done exactly what they supposedly condemn? As President Bill Clinton stated last week, "we can't let the debate veer so far into hatred that we lose our common humanity." Yet in the same speech he compared the Tea Party movement to the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
Despite their best efforts the movement continues to grow and has shown that Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" are finally backfiring on the left, because as rule number seven says, "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." So this leaves me with a request of the Tea Party movement: continue to read American history and understand the true meaning of the Constitution, because as Alinsky's third rule states, "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty."
The truth will set you free.
Katy Abram is the Arlen Specter town hall attendee who told him he has "awakened a sleeping giant." She can be followed at twitter/katyabram.com and www.katyabram.com.