Graph of the Day for April 6, 2010

"[Mexico's Attorney General] estimates that drug consumers north of the Rio Grande put some $10 billion into the pockets of the cartels annually... More interesting is Mexico's estimates that half of all cartel revenue comes from the marijuana business. That means, by my calculation, that if you lift the prohibition on trafficking pot alone, it would cut mob income by half."  Mary Anastasia O'Grady in the Wall Street Journal, March 2009.

Source:  Pew Research Center.

Hoven's Index for April 6, 2010

Percentage of those polled in 2010 who favor legalizing marijuana:

Total:  41%

White:  42%

Black:  41%

Men:  45%

Women:  38%

Age 18-29:  58%

Over 65:  22%

Republican:  24%

Democrat:  48%

Source:  Pew Research Center.

Graph of the Day Archive.
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