DNC spends thousands on Pole Dancers

While some donors to the Republican National Committee have been highly criticized--and mocked--for expenditures at a Los Angeles bondage club, Tim Max of Frum Forum discovered some interesting--and more uhm, exotic--Democratic National Committee expenditures. Interesting and almost completely ignored by the media.

the Democratic National Committee has been spending thousands of its own donor money on luxury hotels, limos and yes, scantily clad go-go dancers, FrumForum has discovered. Further, the DNC has been hiring White House helicopters for party use, while Steele fell into more hot water for even suggesting he might need a private jet. (snip) Put (sic) perhaps the most questionable expense was the DNC's use of the trappings of the White House for partisan purposes: $232,436.81 spent on White House helicopters and White House In-flight Services since August of last year.

Does President Barack Obama (D) know about this? And what about Vice President Joe (F%$*&#g) Biden (D)? Do the media?

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