Crist before country

Is it just me or is the act of Gov. Crist changing over to an independent the personification of what is wrong with the GOP. Until recently, I like most of you have been a life long supporter of the GOP. It seems now that the overall objective of Republican politicians is not doing what is right for their districts, state or country. But it is to get elected at whatever the cost.

This issue of self preservation has engulfed the GOP over the past couple of decades. It use to be that republicans stood for less government, lower taxes and more individual freedoms. But during the era of Jack Abramoff, it seems that all they are interested in is getting elected, serving themselves and whomever has the nicest jet. Now I know I might be sounding a bit cynical in a time where republicans stand to gain dramatically this next election cycle. But is it enough to gain the control of congress and lose our soul in the mean time.

Over the past years, the republican leadership has insufficiently been at the front of any issue that has faced our great country. And now, when there is a real chance for a grass root effort to change the political landscape, they are more concerned about their own asses then the betterment of our nation.

Crist, had he truly believed that he wanted to make this country a better place should realize that there has been a shift in the elect and that new leadership is needed. Despite whatever his personal goals he should know that what we are fighting for is bigger than anyone of us. Even though he could not secure the republican nomination he could have made a great contribution to the future by stepping aside and enthusiastically endorse Rubio. This would have united the party for the elections in 2010 and 2012. But instead he put himself before his country and that is why we fail.

Greg Franks

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