You can't take God out of American history
Once there was a math teacher who displayed banners in his classroom exhibiting the following phrases:
[...] "In God We Trust," "One Nation Under God," "God Bless America" and "God Sheds His Grace On thee."
[...] "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator,"
The teacher, by the name of Bradley Johnson, got into trouble with the district, which said "it had to come down on Johnson because the banners advocated a Judeo-Christian point of view that was not in sync with the nonreligious mission of public schools."
Johnson went to court on the grounds that his first amendment rights were violated and he also reasoned that other teachers posted religious and non-religious material without being penalized.
The court ruled in the math teacher's favor:
A federal judge ruled that Poway school officials violated the constitutional rights of a math teacher when they ordered him to take down classroom banners that referred to God.
Now, that the First Amendment decision is out of the way, it should be noted that American history was also endangered.
Surely, everyone knows all those banner phrases are significant in the historically life of the United States? Each phrase can be traced to a specific time, place or person or all three, whether it is "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator," penned by the hand of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, or "God Bless America," composed by Irving Berlin, a poor immigrate Russian Jew who proved there is an American Dream. An obscure poem entitled Pikes Peak, became America the Beautiful, and, because of its popularity, rivals the nation's national anthem.
"In God We Trust" is a simple four word phrase, which is as common as the U.S. currency it is printed on, while "One Nation Under God" has been part of the Pledge of Allegiance for over half a century
While the name of God is a target of anti-Judeo-Christian sentiment, not meaning to say it is all malicious, but in many cases misguided, the assault on "God" in schools is also jeopardizing American's links to its past.
Some might say, "Well, if it's historical then, why should a math teacher have such a display in his math class?"
I respond, "Why not?"
Why should the history of a great nation be relegated to one room for fifty minutes a day for one year out of twelve?
Students need to be reminded, because if they don't know the nation's past and where it has come from, they can't possibly understand where some, the unscrupulous, want to take it.