Top Ten Reasons Charlie Crist Lost Debate to Rubio

The media declared Marco Rubio a clear winner in his Fox News Sunday debate with Charlie Crist yesterday.  I concur.

Backed up by transcripts published by Fox News, here are the top ten reasons Crist lost.

Number 10: 30% of the words used by Crist were on the subject of Marco Rubio's lobbying background and alleged financial issues related to Florida GOP funds. This is stunning when you consider that none of the questions asked by Chris Wallace were on these subjects.

Number 9:  Crist defended his support of Obama's stimulus plan because it helped save 20 thousand teaching jobs in Florida.  Rubio countered that it cost Florida 211 thousand private sector jobs.  Perhaps Crist's idea of job creation is why he is in such trouble with Florida conservatives.

Number 8: Teddy Roosevelt:  Crist listed this liberal Republican among his favorite historical Republicans.

Number 7: Crist had the gall to try and demean Rubio over his "135 dollar haircuts" while being known in Florida as the man who is single handedly keeping indoor tanning salons in business.

Number 6: When describing why he is in politics, Crist used the liberal sounding "I am in public service to try and help other people improve their lives."  Just a thought Governor, but perhaps conservatives just want government to get the hell out of their lives.

Number 5: When cornered by Rubio on the irony and hypocrisy of using Ronald Reagan as an example, Crist shot back "Reagan was once a Democrat." Uh Charlie, I don't think that's the Reagan conservatives are pointing to as an example.

Number 4: When trying to paint Rubio as a tax raiser, Crist went back to some obscure vote by Rubio on the West Miami City Commission.  Well, Charlie. I have no idea what that issue was about and how long ago it was -- but as you said -- even Reagan was once a Democrat.

Number 3: In answering a question on health care, Crist said  "I think everybody agrees on this, Chris -- that preexisting instances should not be a discriminatory tool that's used by insurance companies to not give people insurance."  Well, perhaps everybody who has no idea what the concept of insurance, let alone profit, means.

Number 2: Crist still says that as a senator, he would have joined Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter as the only Republicans to vote for the stimulus. Uh Charlie, how do you think that worked out for your buddy Arlen?

And the Top Reason Charlie Crist lost the debate and will lose this primary:  He still lists John McCain and Linsdey Graham as his favorite Republican Senators.

In closing, Rubio told Crist that he "just didn't get it."  Crist shot back in a schoolyard tone that "No, I get it. You don't get it." 

I don't think Charlie Crist "gets it" at all.
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