Lawsuit readied challenging constitutionality of Demon Pass by Landmark Foundation

We reported that Mark Levin and Professor Michell McConnell believe the Slaughter Rule is unconstitutional. Landmark Foundation which Levin heads, has its complaint ready to go and its online if you care to read it:

Of course there is no certainty that the Court would hear the case or decide it as these two think it should.

In the meantime at 6 p.m. tonight Bret Baier interviews Obama and we are told the interview is very combative. Hot Air has a brief clip.

This is no longer about health care or savings. It is, as James Taranto of the WSJ says:
"There seems to be an emotional desperation at work here. The legislative success of ObamaCare has become so tied up with Obama's sense of himself that he feels he must push ahead--and to some extent, the leaders in Congress feel the same way. Obama is not the calm rationalist he seemed during the campaign. But while there's a place for passion in politics, to be governed by a politician who fails to govern his passions is a frightening and creepy experience."

Clarice Feldman

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