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March 18, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 18, 2010
"When it comes to energy and environmental policy, the Bush administration has brought the oil and chemical representatives out of the lobby and into the Oval Office and let them rewrite America's environmental laws during secret meetings that they're still trying to keep secret." Al Gore, Earth Day 2002.
"We will reach our ambitious air quality goals through a market-based approach that rewards innovation, reduces cost and -- most importantly -- guarantees results." President Bush, Earth Day 2002.
Air Pollution and Growth, 1990-2008
Hoven's Index for March 18, 2010
Changes in annual US emissions of various air pollutants, 1990 to 2008:
Fine particulate matter: -58%
Coarse particulate matter: -39%
Ammonia: -6%
Oxides of sulfur: -50%
Oxides of nitrogen: -36%
Volatile organic compounds: -35%
Carbon monoxide: -53%
Lead: -79%
Source: The EPA.