Dear Peggy, Obamacare isn't Kids' Stuff

Give Peggy Noonan some credit, she's learning - slowly.  Maybe.  Possibly. 

Noonan's recently graduated from being a Barack Obama fawner to an Obama scold (a cynic would suggest that Noonan reads the polls, too).  In her regular Friday column for the Wall Street Journal, Noonan chided President Obama for deep-sixing his overseas travel in favor of staying home to push passage of Obamacare.  She also slapped the President on the wrists for ducking and weaving in his interview with Fox News' Bret Baier.        

Noonan characterized Obama's decision to stay stateside as "bush league, undisciplined and kid's stuff."  For Noonan's inner mom, President Obama is a stubborn, truculent kid who can't seem to let go of bad legislation and move on to other important things, like bowing and scraping to Indonesian and Australian heads of state (Well, perhaps no deep bows to Australia's leaders.  Australia's not third world enough or hostile enough to America's vital interests).

But what conservatives know well, and what Noonan apparently fails to grasp -- or doesn't care to grasp -- is that Barack Obama isn't just bullheaded, and he's certainly not into kids' stuff.  The President is a hardcore left ideologue who's playing for the very highest stakes: the future direction of nation.  Through his, Pelosi's, and Reid's government-run health care scheme, Mr. Obama is attempting to profoundly alter the government's relationship to the people, in a way that does great injury to liberty. 

Whatever his capabilities and competence, Barack Obama is proving to be one heckuva a radical.  He's an Alinsky revolutionary who's dead serious about moving the nation in a hard left direction.

That's not kids' stuff.  It's just plain dangerous. 
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