American Thinker Blog
March 31, 2010
'What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous?'March 31, 2010
Dem Senator admits few lawmakers understand Cap and TradeMarch 31, 2010
Why Code Pink failsMarch 31, 2010
'Stand and Deliver' math teacher dies at 79March 31, 2010
Obama's Offshore Oil FeintMarch 31, 2010
What could be more wrong than climategate data? NASA temp readingsMarch 31, 2010
Certified by the EPA and DOEMarch 31, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 31, 2010March 31, 2010
Iran nuke scientist defects to USMarch 31, 2010
A handy guide to who is a racist in AmericaMarch 31, 2010
April Fool's censusMarch 31, 2010
Wonder where the next 'crisis' will be manufacturedMarch 31, 2010
Obama's attempt to impose peace on IsraelMarch 31, 2010
The parasitic income taxMarch 31, 2010
Pelosi's answered prayerMarch 31, 2010
President Obama says First Family won't join a D.C. churchMarch 30, 2010
Fausta Wertz, James Joyner, Monica Showalter on Moran's showMarch 30, 2010
Huge Gap in Support for Israel Between Democrats and RepublicansMarch 30, 2010
Caucasian female alert level raised to amberMarch 30, 2010
See you in NovemberMarch 30, 2010
Lloyd Marcus Update from the road with the Tea Party ExpressMarch 30, 2010
Apple iPhone: 'Che, si, Glenn Beck, no'March 30, 2010
Not your mother's Girl Scouts of AmericaMarch 30, 2010
Liberal media death spiral intensifiesMarch 30, 2010
Why is this man so angry?March 30, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 30, 2010March 30, 2010
We welcome our new bosses - the nomenklaturaMarch 30, 2010 owes Cantor an apology and retractionMarch 30, 2010
A primer on how high taxes will stifle investmentMarch 30, 2010
Post office 'reforms' a harbinger of troubles with ObamacareMarch 30, 2010
Oh, that inconvenient growing polar ice capMarch 30, 2010
What we'd like to hear from executives called to testify about ObamacareMarch 30, 2010
What if the Palestinians in Jerusalem were settlers?March 30, 2010
Timing questioned in Fed raids on militia groupMarch 30, 2010
Establishment GOP still resisting the tea party movementMarch 29, 2010
Time for apologies to Tea PartiersMarch 29, 2010
The next move of the Alinsky leftMarch 29, 2010
Obama: His word is as good as (Fool's) GoldMarch 29, 2010
Top Ten Reasons Charlie Crist Lost Debate to RubioMarch 29, 2010
The Meaning of ExodusMarch 29, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 29, 2010March 29, 2010
Constitutional separation of powers 'a real drag'March 29, 2010
Cap and Fat: a modest proposal to help fight the war on obesityMarch 29, 2010
Gun rights get a boost in South DakotaMarch 29, 2010
At Air America bankruptcy auction, private info of listeners for saleMarch 29, 2010
Civility and Hypocrisy Don't MixMarch 29, 2010
Money for wind farms but not for military familiesMarch 29, 2010
Bibi should talk to Senator Nelson about Obama's promisesMarch 29, 2010
Obama rewards the SEIUMarch 29, 2010
Passover plagues from our PharaohMarch 28, 2010
Another 'visionary' with no practical experienceMarch 28, 2010
Welcome extremist pro union lawyer Craig Becker to NLRBMarch 28, 2010
Big surprise. Weatherization jobs don't materializeMarch 28, 2010
Congressional Dems threaten companies who complain about Obamacare costsMarch 28, 2010
Children and parents are not first in most school systemsMarch 28, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 28, 2010March 28, 2010
ObamaCare's Pre-Existing ConditionsMarch 28, 2010
Social Security Ponzi scheme unravelingMarch 28, 2010
Is the tea party movement being hoodwinked by the establishment?March 28, 2010
Pelosi proud to place healthcare reform beside two failed government programsMarch 28, 2010
World's investors vote down ObamacareMarch 28, 2010
A Plane Ride, a Water Bribe, a GOP Hug, En Route to T-DayMarch 27, 2010
Airport worker caught in body scanner abuseMarch 27, 2010
Attack on GOP HQ in VirginiaMarch 27, 2010
Health Care time bombsMarch 27, 2010
Obamacare: Running the numbersMarch 27, 2010
Hey kids! How about a Life Insurance Mandate?March 27, 2010
Is all the pessimism justified?March 27, 2010
Castro praises ObamacareMarch 27, 2010
Liberals are not much on short term memoryMarch 27, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 27, 2010March 27, 2010
Pelosi's curious reading of our Declaration of IndependenceMarch 27, 2010
The consequences of the US-Russian START treatyMarch 27, 2010
Beware, AmericaMarch 27, 2010
Turn on your lights and celebrate 'Human Achievement Hour'March 26, 2010
A City of Two TalesMarch 26, 2010
A pivotal moment in Iraq as transfer of power loomsMarch 26, 2010
Blast sinks South Korean shipMarch 26, 2010
Who's the enemy here?March 26, 2010
Keeping Support for Israel BipartisanMarch 26, 2010
When Will Liberals Give the Tea Party the Same Respect They Give Radical Islam?March 26, 2010
Sign this kid to a baseball contract!March 26, 2010
Not bad for government work (Part I)March 26, 2010
Not bad for government work (Part II)March 26, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 26, 2010March 26, 2010
Obama in extraordinary snub to BibiMarch 26, 2010
Lawmakers, staffs exempted from Obamacare insurance exchangesMarch 26, 2010
Anatomy of an MSM smear of tea partyersMarch 26, 2010
Out-dumbing the dumb leftMarch 26, 2010
ProjectionMarch 26, 2010
Is the left responsible for the unstable political atmosphere?March 26, 2010
A Nation of DependentsMarch 26, 2010
Obamacare: Rack and ruin for small businessMarch 25, 2010
The Spit Heard Round The WorldMarch 25, 2010
Rep. Capuano: Further needed health care reformsMarch 25, 2010
How Obama's party worksMarch 25, 2010
Obama ignoring the real reasons there is no peace in the Middle EastMarch 25, 2010
France dumps carbon tax planMarch 25, 2010
Greece will default 'at some point'March 25, 2010
Obama's exclusionary Easter Egg RollMarch 25, 2010
Biden's 'effing gaffe' should cost networks a bundleMarch 25, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 25, 2010March 25, 2010
Whattsa matter? Are ya stoopid or somfin?March 25, 2010
Is the 'tanning tax' racially targeted?March 25, 2010
Don't blame Teddy Roosevelt for nationalized health careMarch 25, 2010
AT readers and ObamaCareMarch 25, 2010
Obama prohibits photos of him and Netanyahu together.March 25, 2010
From Honduras to East JerusalemMarch 25, 2010
A nation dividedMarch 25, 2010
It's Reid's victory, not Pelosi'sMarch 24, 2010
Enough of the Doom and Gloom, AlreadyMarch 24, 2010
In Seattle school, mother kept in the dark about her child's abortionMarch 24, 2010
California AG probably won't join state suits against ObamacareMarch 24, 2010
Rep. Dingell: It's taken a long time to 'control the people'March 24, 2010
The 'Root' of Disproportionate RepresentationMarch 24, 2010
Some questions about the future of insurance in AmericaMarch 24, 2010
The Left's war on AmericaMarch 24, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 24, 2010March 24, 2010
Fun with Obamacare numbersMarch 24, 2010
Stupak's 30 pieces of silverMarch 24, 2010
Amish, Muslims to be excused from Obamacare mandate?March 24, 2010
The Azure Letter (D)March 24, 2010
Down on the FarmMarch 24, 2010
Here's the good news about ObamacareMarch 23, 2010
The ACLU Goes AWOLMarch 23, 2010
Charlie Martin, Dan Riehl, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showMarch 23, 2010
Will Obama show Israel the same 'evenhandedness' that he demonstrates to Iran?March 23, 2010
When freedom succumbs to 'necessity'March 23, 2010
Steely DeterminationMarch 23, 2010
Hillary sticks her foot in it in speech at AIPACMarch 23, 2010
Just who have the Democrats 'defeated' by passing Obamacare?March 23, 2010
Where the cliche 'Pyrrhic Victory' comes fromMarch 23, 2010
Inspired to earn lessMarch 23, 2010
Obama after ObamaCareMarch 23, 2010
Mourning for AmericaMarch 23, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 23, 2010March 23, 2010
Senior Congressional Staff Exempted from ObamaCareMarch 23, 2010
The Federalist Papers and ObamacareMarch 23, 2010
US risks losing 'AAA' bond ratingMarch 23, 2010
Obamacare: The straw that broke the camel's backMarch 23, 2010
The New March MadnessMarch 22, 2010
Obama, Israel, and IranMarch 22, 2010
Declaration of DependencyMarch 22, 2010
The shocking truth about a fundamental right being denied to 55% of citizensMarch 22, 2010
Is ObamaCare Headed for a Supreme Court Smackdown?March 22, 2010
Expect to see jump in Obama polling approvalMarch 22, 2010
Now for the PainMarch 22, 2010
This Nurse No Angel of MercyMarch 22, 2010
Sen. Durbin says HC bill will keep people out of emergency roomsMarch 22, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 22, 2010March 22, 2010
Stupak was for the bill all alongMarch 22, 2010
Is Obamacare Smoot-Hawley II?March 22, 2010
Exposing hypocrisy from within the wombMarch 22, 2010
Comfort yeMarch 22, 2010
The sun came up this morningMarch 22, 2010
Coming to America?March 21, 2010
House passes ObamaCareMarch 21, 2010
House passes first of three ObamaCare votesMarch 21, 2010
About those racial slurs allegedly tossed at black congressmen yesterday (updated with pictures)March 21, 2010
Scurrilous charge or outrageous racism?March 21, 2010
America's new standing in the worldMarch 21, 2010
Rules: 'We make 'em up as we go along'March 21, 2010
She STILL doesn't have the votesMarch 21, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 21, 2010March 21, 2010
Iran is training the Taliban; Obama grovelsMarch 21, 2010
Lockerbie bomber still kickingMarch 21, 2010
Kipling knew ObamaMarch 21, 2010
States seek to protect gun rightsMarch 21, 2010
Democrats take the long view on Obamacare political falloutMarch 21, 2010
Ha'aretz poll: Most Israelis see Obama as fair and friendlyMarch 21, 2010
A common sense idea regarding health insuranceMarch 21, 2010
Double Cross ObamaMarch 20, 2010
Out: Deem and Pass; In: Executive Order on abortionMarch 20, 2010
Union teacher 'just kidding' about hanging Obama in effigyMarch 20, 2010
Obama needs a history lesson on IsraelMarch 20, 2010
Mr. President, sir: You are no gentlemanMarch 20, 2010
How is Obamacare like the sub-prime mortgage mess?March 20, 2010
Biden: 'We're going to control the insurance industry'March 20, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 20, 2010March 20, 2010
Pro-Life fix for senate bill might seal Obamacare's fate (Huge Update: Deal is off; Stupak says he's 'Done with Pelosi')March 20, 2010
SCOTUS may yet intervene on Slaughter ruleMarch 20, 2010
Putin scolds Clinton, US, as if we were childrenMarch 20, 2010
Dear Peggy, Obamacare isn't Kids' StuffMarch 20, 2010
Generational TheftMarch 19, 2010
Desperate DemsMarch 19, 2010
Ben Nelson's Back Up BribeMarch 19, 2010
GAO Contradicts White House on Intelligence OversightMarch 19, 2010
The Fearful Forty; 40 Dems who are persuadable on health care reform you should call NOWMarch 19, 2010
Coffee Party 'founder' in Astroturf hole, keeps diggingMarch 19, 2010
President Ahab and Moby ObamaCareMarch 19, 2010
Why isn't this man happy?March 19, 2010
About those CBO numbers...March 19, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 19, 2010March 19, 2010
A plan to increase aid to HaitiMarch 19, 2010
Stupak's Last StandMarch 19, 2010
Obama's unfulfilled pledge to restore Black-Jewish relationsMarch 19, 2010
Our gaffetastic Vice PresidentMarch 19, 2010
No freedom in Muslim BethlehemMarch 19, 2010
Is government at all levels falling apart?March 19, 2010
Did we really condemn Hamas for their call to violenceMarch 19, 2010
100,00 federal employees are tax scofflawsMarch 18, 2010
The best word to describe ObamacareMarch 18, 2010
The Administration's Manufactured, Trumped Up Fight With IsraelMarch 18, 2010
There Will Be BloodMarch 18, 2010
Hillary Gives the Palestinians a Free PassMarch 18, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 18, 2010March 18, 2010
A bluff? Or are we prepping an Iran strike? (Updated)March 18, 2010
As Illinois Democratic moderates go, so goes the nation?March 18, 2010
Under Obama, change in the debt you can believe inMarch 18, 2010
EPA to regulate the fleas and ticks on your dogMarch 18, 2010
Obama's hypocrisy on the environment exposedMarch 18, 2010
Go ahead, Barry. Make our dayMarch 18, 2010
China's hard line on economicsMarch 18, 2010
Obama: Vote on Healthcare, Then Evaluate the BillMarch 18, 2010
Right and left join hands against ObamacareMarch 17, 2010
Republican Congressmen to force vote on Slaughter rule tomorrow morningMarch 17, 2010
Iraq election resultsMarch 17, 2010
Lawsuit readied challenging constitutionality of Demon Pass by Landmark FoundationMarch 17, 2010
No information FOIA youMarch 17, 2010
Moveon's empty threatMarch 17, 2010
The Beast that Will Not DieMarch 17, 2010
How to really be accurate on 'race' on the CensusMarch 17, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 17, 2010March 17, 2010
VA nightmare a harbinger of what we can expect under ObamacareMarch 17, 2010
Clyburn says health care vote may slip until after EasterMarch 17, 2010
Army softens training for recruitsMarch 17, 2010
Is Fox News tilting toward the Arabs?March 17, 2010
Voting present - DC StyleMarch 17, 2010
The left doesn't know what anger is until health care reform is passedMarch 17, 2010 threatens wavering Dems on health care reformMarch 17, 2010
Hillary and Israel; You Can't Teach an Old Dog New TricksMarch 17, 2010
'Deem and pass' or a Demon Pass?March 17, 2010
Obama's Capoeira (a poem)March 16, 2010
Rich Baehr, Ed Lasky, Stephen Green, and Monica Showalter on 2-hour Moran showMarch 16, 2010
Thanks Barack. It really didn't have to come to thisMarch 16, 2010
NYT Blames Israel For Palestinian IncitementMarch 16, 2010
ObamaCare's New Public Health Workforce CorpsMarch 16, 2010
Iran sought to buy nuclear weapons from PakistanMarch 16, 2010
Pelosi brags that Obamacare is just the beginningMarch 16, 2010
Israeli report details Hamas inhumane behaviorMarch 16, 2010
Princeton Prof gives Obama straight A'sMarch 16, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 16, 2010March 16, 2010
Code Red targets three Democrats; your help neededMarch 16, 2010
Pelosi was against the Slaughter Rule before she was for itMarch 16, 2010
Obama: You will see 'premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent' under ObamacareMarch 16, 2010
Tea party activists to storm Congress todayMarch 16, 2010
A tale of three citiesMarch 16, 2010
The coffee party 'success'March 15, 2010
The real story behind that 'reconciliation bill'March 15, 2010
The New York Times beatifies the presidentMarch 15, 2010
Fauxmentum and the latest swing district pollsMarch 15, 2010
Slaughter Rule UnconstitutionalMarch 15, 2010
The Imperfect RubioMarch 15, 2010
AT Readers: Call Your Blue DogMarch 15, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 15, 2010March 15, 2010
Paul Ryan - Prophet of disasterMarch 15, 2010
Arctic Sea Ice GrowsMarch 15, 2010
Health care reform is not about helping peopleMarch 15, 2010
They Fought for You now You Fight for ThemMarch 15, 2010
What we need is a good old fashioned exorcism on Capitol HillMarch 15, 2010
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - most of the timeMarch 15, 2010
Global Warming Nursery RhymesMarch 15, 2010
'Green Zone' bombs at box officeMarch 15, 2010
The administration's 'blame Israel' shell gameMarch 15, 2010
Nothing to do today? Here's the full text of the reconciliation reform billMarch 14, 2010
A 'Back-Door' public option?March 14, 2010
Yoo Hoo, Abe (Foxman)March 14, 2010
Organizing the Coffee PartyMarch 14, 2010
Obama pollster: America will heart Obamacare once it's passedMarch 14, 2010
Pelosi: Being a woman is a 'pre-existing condition'March 14, 2010
As Obama Fumbles Healthcare, Focus Shifts to Education TakeoverMarch 14, 2010
Obama to gut No Child Left BehindMarch 14, 2010
Killing the best medical system in the worldMarch 14, 2010
While Obama FiddlesMarch 14, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 14, 2010March 14, 2010
An Orwellian redefinition of the ConstitutionMarch 14, 2010
Virtually every Western Democratic Government is insolvent.March 14, 2010
$13 trillion in inches is a lot of milesMarch 13, 2010
Make him an offer he can't refuseMarch 13, 2010
The Miss America PresidentMarch 13, 2010
Americans' 'confidence in leaders'March 13, 2010
Will passing Obamacare jolt us into reality?March 13, 2010
General Petraeus in New Hampshire?March 13, 2010
US fumes over Israeli home building while Iran builds nukeMarch 13, 2010
Texas schoolbooks to reflect a more balanced worldviewMarch 13, 2010
Embarrassing and envious screed by former Times executive editorMarch 13, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 13, 2010March 13, 2010
Stupak and his dozen getting 'both arms twisted'March 13, 2010
Pelosi waxes artistically about health care reformMarch 13, 2010
Levin on Representative Slaughter - and the Slaughter RuleMarch 13, 2010
Oh yes it is an abortion billMarch 13, 2010
Just a typical Obama appointeeMarch 12, 2010
NYT's Curious Lack of CuriousityMarch 12, 2010
A glimpse into our Kafkaesque future under ObamacareMarch 12, 2010
Massa and the militaryMarch 12, 2010
Senator Sessions Calls Holder's Breach 'Extremely Serious'March 12, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 12, 2010March 12, 2010
A health care reform lesson in the problems with Toyota's Prius (Updated)March 12, 2010
Byrd may be key figure in reconciliation debateMarch 12, 2010
No, Nancy - We don't need to pass health care reform to find out what's in itMarch 12, 2010
Did the Senate Parliamentarian just save the day?March 12, 2010
The problem is brainlock, not gridlockMarch 12, 2010
Why does the MSM distinguish between 'liberal' and 'black?'March 12, 2010
9th Circuit upholds 'under God' in PledgeMarch 12, 2010
What does the Education Department need 27 Remington shotguns for?March 12, 2010
Democrats running away from ObamaMarch 11, 2010
Flight cancelled due to drunken crewMarch 11, 2010
Obama's physician cousin angrily denounces health care reformMarch 11, 2010
Update on ACORN RICO suit while Obama administration shuts down criminal probeMarch 11, 2010
Youth today despairing of their future job prospectsMarch 11, 2010
KC Schools, A Case Study in Liberal StupidityMarch 11, 2010
Obama's Car Czar in Pay-to-Play probe (updated)March 11, 2010
Sarah Palin's family used socialized medicine?March 11, 2010
America Swings Like a Pendulum Do...March 11, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 11, 2010March 11, 2010
Democrats intruding on our 'favorite point' of freedomMarch 11, 2010
Dubai to spies: Clear outMarch 11, 2010
Almost all the news that's fit to printMarch 11, 2010
NY state seeks to ban salt use by chefsMarch 11, 2010
Was Massa right about a conspiracy?March 11, 2010
House dems to 'Slaughter' opponents to pass reformMarch 11, 2010
Madoff victims seek bailout from CongressMarch 11, 2010
Drudge and news diversityMarch 10, 2010
Show me your papersMarch 10, 2010
Do Blue Dogs Bark when they get a Treat?March 10, 2010
Rove on the Crazy Witch Hunt of Patrick FitzgeraldMarch 10, 2010
Saddam was ready to purchase nuke package from A.Q. KhanMarch 10, 2010
Unintended Consequences of Regulatory Overreach: Airline DelaysMarch 10, 2010
Holder's Hidden Friend of Court BriefsMarch 10, 2010
Obama's worst day ever on RasmussenMarch 10, 2010
'Jihad Jane' arrested in plot to kill Mohammed cartoonistMarch 10, 2010
Penn Ultimate LunacyMarch 10, 2010
Should part timers be counted as full timers?March 10, 2010
The bullies in the White HouseMarch 10, 2010
With friends like Joe Biden...March 10, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 10, 2010March 10, 2010
Putting the census rightMarch 10, 2010
'Massa' hysteriaMarch 10, 2010
The new, improved, politically correct White House Easter Egg RollMarch 10, 2010
Obama trashes insurance companies again in health care speechMarch 10, 2010
Pelosi challenger faces uphill fightMarch 9, 2010
Larrey Anderson, James Lewis, and Monica Showalter on Moran's showMarch 9, 2010
I got a letter from the census todayMarch 9, 2010
What Dan Rather Should Have Said (40 Safe Alternatives)March 9, 2010
'Secret' Gates-Ahmadinejad meeting in Kabul?March 9, 2010
'Demonizing lawyers with impunity'March 9, 2010
Counting House Votes on Healthcare ReformMarch 9, 2010
Apparently those foreign tourists are very free spendersMarch 9, 2010
Sea change in poll on which party better able to handle national securityMarch 9, 2010
ATF seizes toys at border, then warns of their dangerMarch 9, 2010
NYT Tilts Scales Against Israel as Biden, Mitchell Make New Peace EffortsMarch 9, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 9, 2010March 9, 2010
Obama to move the goal posts on poverty measurementMarch 9, 2010
The folly of rushing into green energy schemesMarch 9, 2010
Cognitive dissonance at the Smithsonian magazineMarch 9, 2010
The charade of civil trials for terroristsMarch 9, 2010
Dan Rather Thinks Obama is Articulate but Can't Sell WatermelonsMarch 9, 2010
Axelrod's lamentMarch 9, 2010
A weird idea of what constitutes 'Journalism's biggest crime'March 8, 2010
End of the road for Obama?March 8, 2010
Entitlement ObesityMarch 8, 2010
Rep. Massa and the Chicago Boys (updated)March 8, 2010
One year in and Obama doesn't have any foreign leader friendsMarch 8, 2010
The other reconciliation outrageMarch 8, 2010
Texas vs. California: No contestMarch 8, 2010
Kathy Griffin; Not Funny Then, Not Funny Now.March 8, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 8, 2010March 8, 2010
38 dead in election violence in IraqMarch 8, 2010
Update on Gadahn arrest; confusion reignsMarch 8, 2010
Obama's student loan monopolyMarch 8, 2010
The light bulb switches on in the heads of GM execsMarch 7, 2010
Is Capitalism Evil?March 7, 2010
American traitor Adam Gadahn captured in Pakistan (Update: Is it Gadahn?)March 7, 2010
Bill Maher wishes Glenn Beck had been murdered at PentagonMarch 7, 2010
The Tides Foundation's inept voter driveMarch 7, 2010
Obama's 'engagement' with Syria met with laughterMarch 7, 2010
How WaPo slants the news against IsraelMarch 7, 2010
Bombs, mortars explode all over Iraq as voters head to the pollsMarch 7, 2010
Broadway Bank BluesMarch 7, 2010
Would Reagan vote for Palin?March 7, 2010
Obama's health care sob stories vs. tragic truthsMarch 7, 2010
Misunderstood capitalism leads to a pretext for statismMarch 7, 2010
A 'great day' for Harry Reid; a bad day for AmericaMarch 7, 2010
The objective is not the enemy's defeat?March 7, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 7, 2010March 7, 2010
Protests that could ruin their own futureMarch 6, 2010
Government Motors won't drop 600 dealershipsMarch 6, 2010
Charitable Money Laundering For Democrats: The Tides FoundationMarch 6, 2010
Rep. Massa to resignMarch 6, 2010
CBO: Trillion dollar deficits for the next decadeMarch 6, 2010
Obama should be the last one to 'cast the first stone' in Israel-PA talksMarch 6, 2010
Obama eying exemptions for Iran sanctions billMarch 6, 2010
The Democrats' Daring DozenMarch 6, 2010
Levin a better choice than Stark for Ways and MeansMarch 6, 2010
The Two Universes of Paul KrugmanMarch 6, 2010
Is the White House delusional about 2012?March 6, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 6, 2010March 6, 2010
Iraq vote not off to a good startMarch 6, 2010
Loosey-Goosey SaudiMarch 5, 2010
The Rapper and the White House Situation RoomMarch 5, 2010
Special Bulletin: Chuck Schumer at a loss for wordsMarch 5, 2010
Last voyage of the Pequod?March 5, 2010
Yes, the Senate health care reform bill will subsidize abortionsMarch 5, 2010
Rep. Delahunt to spend more time with grandchildMarch 5, 2010
One Person's Trash is the Government's TreasureMarch 5, 2010
New natural Climate change discovery in the ArcticMarch 5, 2010
Rep. Sensenbrenner wants answers in wind energy scandalMarch 5, 2010
Why Obama won't stop pushing health care reformMarch 5, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 5, 2010March 5, 2010
The ways of power on the Ways and Means CommitteeMarch 5, 2010
NoKo army running out of food (updated)March 5, 2010
Obama's Reconciliation Rope-a-DopeMarch 5, 2010
A new battle cry for fed up AmericansMarch 5, 2010
About that high speed rail system, Mr. President...March 4, 2010
A solution to our previous solutionMarch 4, 2010
Pete Stark out as Ways & Means ChairmanMarch 4, 2010
NY Times, WaPo willing tools of astroturf scamMarch 4, 2010
Geert Wilders party scores big in local electionsMarch 4, 2010
Ratigan & Media Attempt to Brand Tea Parties RacistMarch 4, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 4, 2010March 4, 2010
How much for a health care vote?March 4, 2010
Time to revisit the question: 'What if Obama is out of his mind?'March 4, 2010
You can't take God out of American historyMarch 4, 2010
Brain dead media and ObamacareMarch 4, 2010
Obama administration protecting the 'green' investments of its friendsMarch 4, 2010
Moderate, or Blind Monkey?March 4, 2010
Asleep at the controlsMarch 4, 2010
The sham of Israel Apartheid WeekMarch 3, 2010
Modesty in Islam Just a Cover-up for CAIR agendaMarch 3, 2010
Congressman Massa will not seek re-election (updated)March 3, 2010
Loose cannon replacing RangelMarch 3, 2010
President PinocchioMarch 3, 2010
Richard Baehr on the airMarch 3, 2010
It's Perry in Texas GOP primaryMarch 3, 2010
Special footbaths for Muslims in public places?March 3, 2010
Plug pulled on Pentagon spouse training programMarch 3, 2010
Save the planet: raise the gas tax to $7 a gallonMarch 3, 2010
Coffee Party Brew: Decaf filtered through AstroturfMarch 3, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 3, 2010March 3, 2010
Earthquake presents new problem for GoreMarch 3, 2010
CO2 emissions: Push coming to shoveMarch 3, 2010
Is capitalism evil?March 3, 2010
Government, law enforcement giving absolution to ACORNMarch 3, 2010
China: Dominance or be Damned?March 2, 2010
Rangel steps down as Ways and Means chairMarch 2, 2010
The Right to Bear Arms Apparently Extends to ChicagoMarch 2, 2010
Rich Baehr, Dan Riehl on Moran's ShowMarch 2, 2010
Will GM execs be dragged before Congress?March 2, 2010
Fears over global warming leads to murder-suicideMarch 2, 2010
Dubai Killing: Curiouser and curiouserMarch 2, 2010
ACORN in the newsMarch 2, 2010
'First, do no harm...'March 2, 2010
Chicago's Handgun Ban and RICOMarch 2, 2010
Study confirms that Andy Griffith lives in Mayberry.comMarch 2, 2010
Obama payback paranoia or politics as usual?March 2, 2010
Tea Partiers: Beware politicians bearing giftsMarch 2, 2010
Pro-democracy Iran activists accomplish more than the Obama administrationMarch 2, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 2, 2010March 2, 2010
Farrakhan and Ahmadinejad - peas in a podMarch 2, 2010
Slate blogger Mickey Kaus to challenge BoxerMarch 2, 2010
Olbermann mum on his employer's coverage of mostly white olympicsMarch 2, 2010
Legalizing Chinese espionage?March 1, 2010
Public Sector Unions and their Political DonationsMarch 1, 2010
ESPN Goes RedMarch 1, 2010
Obama to Dems: It's Harry Kiri or Nancy Kazi!March 1, 2010
Obama's Envoy to the Muslim World: A Soros Tie?March 1, 2010
No 'poison food plot' at Fort Jackson but 4 Muslims discharged from army?March 1, 2010
Here comes the sun(spots)March 1, 2010
Ahmadinejad discovers Israel's 'secret'March 1, 2010
Government mandated 'fairness' is rarely the optimal solutionMarch 1, 2010
####March 1, 2010
'Seditious' Conservatives Attacked in Marin CountyMarch 1, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 1, 2010March 1, 2010
Obama seeking unilateral nuclear disarmamentMarch 1, 2010
How many DOJ lawyers represented Gitmo prisoners?March 1, 2010
Banning texting while driving is a state matterMarch 1, 2010
Docs tell the president to quit smoking, lower cholesterolMarch 1, 2010
American spirit suffuses US Olympic athletesMarch 1, 2010
Democrats' empty promises on Medicare reform
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