Viva la France?

France is just not that into that diversity, pluralism and multi culturalism thing. Apparently they're into being well...French a la their ancestors, the Gauls. And those who don't behave in a proper French manner just can't become French. Female Gauls presumably did not veil their faces and entire bodies, thus a man who forced his wife to do so was denied French citizenship reports Jenny Barchfield of AP.

According to the French Minister of Immigration, the wannabe citizen had publicly stated he believed women's status is inferior and as such he didn't believe in gender equality so his wife would always have to go out in a full veil, ie, swathed in a burqa from head to toe with face covered therefore he would not respect another important principle of French society, its public secularism.

Previously France had refused citizenship to another woman covered from head to toe, originally from Morocco, because "she was not sufficiently assimilated into French society." The burqa beauty wanted her covering and her French citizenship so she appealed. Denied.

Viva la France?

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