Remembering Abraham Lincoln this President's Day weekend

As the world sat quiet, a man called Matthew Simpson helped this Nation in understanding our pain in a time of such great sorrow. Simpson delivered a moving sermon at the funeral of Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois.

Now without their voice, a Nation was left speechless. The Nations storm had come and gone and taken a great man in its trail. In what has become known as the longest procession which eyes have ever followed, a Union mourned for a man who liberated more enslaved people than Moses ever set free. A man of true genius and moral pre-eminence who by his own guiding hands shaped the world's greatest military might called forth to fight for liberty, union and the right of self-government.

A man described of noble heart in every way; a gentle spirited giant who never spoke unkindly of any man. A devoted husband and father whose trust in God supported a mind which helped shape the destiny of this Nation and forever influence the destiny of humanity. He knew the heart of a great people who in turn knew the heart of this great man: Abraham Lincoln.

Quoting Lincoln:

Here, without contemplating consequences, before high Heaven, and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love.

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