NBC in future shock
NBC's Brian Williams and Lisa Myers made a startling discovery today: In a story carried not only on NBC, but also on the MSN homepage, President Obama's Private MSM Guard lowered the drawbridge, raised the portcullis, and entreated the lord's serfs to swarm the Citadel, arming them with pitchforks as they passed into the heretofore impenetrable fortress.
What caused this breach in security?
NBC discovered that there is a problem with federal spending, the federal deficit, and the national debt.
Please watch if you haven't seen this footage already; it is a jaw-dropping betrayal by the MSM Guard. Here are a few quotes:
On America's future debt: "Eye popping....Uncharted....Nasty future shock for the American way of life....End of the American way of life."
The report speaks to graver things in store, "...[M]uch worse, ...staggering [government action]...has soared debt to 40% of the economy...and doubles in eight years."
Even David Gergen chimes in, "Government has been on a binge...we have a huge problem that even long-term economic growth won't fix."
(Is this a crisis that must not go to waste?)
The story reveals that we are, "mortgaging our kids' futures," and that we are now, "dependent on the Chinese."
Perhaps most importantly-pay close attention Republicans-NBC reports that "Republicans won't raise taxes, and Democrats won't cut programs...resulting in gridlock."
NBC frets that while Americans are presently spending 31% of their incomes in taxes, within twenty years that figure will rise to 45% to cover, "existing promises."
It bears repeating; this story is from NBC, and MSN! The Citadel stands unguarded, at least for the moment. Look for the reserve troops to show up on Tuesday. But the Keep is truly vulnerable, even if this is a White House feint. Conservatives must at least destroy the portcullis.
John Peeples