Graph of the Day for February 10, 2010

"It was under Mr Bush that the deficit spiraled out of control as we fought an unnecessary and endless $3,000bn war in Iraq..."  James Carville.

Estimated Appropriations Provided for U.S. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan And for Other War-Related Activities, 2001 to 2010

(Billions of dollars of budget authority)

Source:  CBO.

Hoven's Index for February 10, 2010

Federal deficits as percent of GDP under President Bush:

2001:  -1.3% (surplus)

2002:  1.5%

2003:  3.5%

2004:  3.6%

2005:  2.6%

2006:  1.9%

2007:  1.2%

2008:  3.2%

Under President Obama:

2009:  9.9%

2010:  9.2% (CBO prediction)

2011:  6.5% (CBO prediction)

2012:  4.1% (CBO prediction)

Sources:  US Statistical Abstract, Table 457 and CBO.

Graph of the Day Archive.

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