Gibbs' palm reveals administration fortunes

Robert Gibbs is so...Robert Gibbs. Never one to just be a serious man executing a serious job where he simply answers questions for the benefit of the country, the current White House Press Secretary once again allows his inner 7th-grader to rule the day. Here he attempts to ridicule Sarah Palin and her minimalist approach to speech cues as well as deflect legitimate criticism:


But Gibbs'palm reveals more than just his stunted emotional growth. He confirms what we, staunch non-O supporters and former O supporters have sensed for months; that the administration can't move beyond the glory days of the 2008 campaign. All they have is an outdated slogan that has run out of fuel.

Gibbs doesn't have an effective policy or new positive message designed to unite the American people to nonchalantly write on his palm to counter Palin's simple but honest "lift spirits." He doesn't have this because the administration doesn't have anything to give him. As we all know, their ideas have to be "telepromptered" before delivery to the American people to make them palatable.


Not only is the administration devoid of the necessary substance, the situation specific "brilliance" of the 2008 is confirmed as well. For even a 7th grader with zero marketing acumen could tell you that "hope and change" is now a painful reminder of what Obama's agenda has not delivered. (According to what many projected onto Obama) No reasonable strategist or advisor should refer to hope and change ever again in the light of day, much less scribble it on their palm to make a point, if they want to be taken seriously.


But then we're back to that notion of being serious. And this administration is the least serious administration every foisted upon the American people, as evidenced by Gibbs' grubber.


Perhaps this is why no one is laughing anymore, including the press:



Maybe I'm reading too much into Gibbs' palm. On the other hand, maybe it does provide us with a handy capsule, despite what Gibbs' mouth says, of just how out of depth and off track the Obama administration really is.

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