Col. Allen West is running

We have written before on congressional candidate Col. Allen West (here and here).  Well, thank God he's back.  He is running again for Florida's 22nd District seat against his old opponent of November 2008, Ron Klein.  It's a district that leans Democrat but had a Republican Congressman for 14 years until Democrat Ron Klein won that seat in 2006.

This is a few months old but remains a must-see little video of an excellent speech Col. West gave in October '09.  If you like what you see and hear, jump over to his campaign site and give something to a man who for some many years gave to us.

You know, we hear all the time that "everyone supports the troops."  Well a good place to start is by getting some of these guys elected to Congress: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans For Congress.  Check them out.

Alan Fraser is the father of a United States Marine.  He can be contacted at
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