America 'teetering toward tyranny' - DeMint

Talk about throwing a "reality" wet blanket on an Obama "I'm so hot" fire. Just two days ago President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were beating their chests about the impact of their jobs-not-lost Porkulus, uh, Stimulus Bill. Now, on the heels of this preening, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) counters with this:

The Democrats' arrogance and audacious power-grabs have made Americans stand up and say, ‘Enough is enough. We now see all too clearly that the hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world.

At a time when I fear America is teetering towards tyranny, I was thrilled to hear that CPAC adopted the theme of saving freedom for this year's meeting.

These incisive words were delivered to a packed Conservative Political Action Conference audience on February 18th.

If by "teetering towards tyranny" Sen. DeMint means an Administration that speaks like thugs and street-brawlers, and has direct associations with like-kind, then he might be on to something.

Consider that when Town Hall meetings around the country were hot and heavy in August of ‘09 the "protectors" of Constitutionalism and the 1st Amendment rushed to defend President Obama's version of democracy and his policies. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi started the beat down with her "Patriot" stick: "They're un-American!" White House advisor David Axelrod hissed, "They're spreading lies and distortions," towards citizens exercising "freedom of association" and speech.

In a new twist government officials are calling its citizens "Nazis" rather than the reverse. Returning combat vets (aka "right-wing extremists") are discussed as potential "domestic terrorist threats" - in an "unofficial" pre-release. The President chides police authorities acting in a lawful manner as "stupid officers." He says to "punch back twice as hard" to critics, as if a street fighter. During a lap dog interview at the White House Obama, The Great Fly Hunter crows, "Pretty impressive. I got the sucker!". The subtle psychology of that reinforces the image of a callow man who enjoys bullying.

Back in the day when Teddy Roosevelt said to "speak softly and carry a big stick" he was referring to American government's protocols amongst foreign states -- not domestically. Apparently Barack missed that fine point... and the "speak softly" advice as well.

If by "tyranny" DeMint means an Administration that associates with "para-government" gangs such as ACORN nuts or SEIU jackboots that attend Town Halls to do a little hair-mussing then he's probably on to them.

Ask yourself: does Obama exhibit openness and temperance? Or does he strike you as a petulant bully? The rapid descent into coarse language and elevation of a Big Brother Government is all anyone, including Senator Demint, needs to witness to think "we're on the brink."

Obama wants to co-opt everything. Who knows? Maybe someone will even suggest a Communications or "Diversity" Czar. God save the Republic.


their chests about the impact of their
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