A lesson in morality from a sports agent?

As an NBA fan this is hilarious.

Arn Tellem is an NBA agent. He represents 35 players who collectively are making nearly $215 million this year. Some of those players, such as Dan Gadzuric and Etan Thomas, are irrelevant players essentially getting paid over $6.5 million per night to sit on their respective teams' benches.

But forget about that, let's only concentrate on "fat cat bankers'.

Instead of railing against player salaries, outraged fans would be wise to train their anger on investment bankers, the folks who nearly scuttled the economy only to be bailed out by us taxpayers. Exactly what talent is required to make multi-million dollar bonuses while millions of unemployed citizens are losing their homes? A gift for cooking the books, perhaps, or for screwing their investors and the American people. Save your fury for those fat cats.

Given the example I provided of two of his clients, it's rather funny he would call this article "They Earn It".

But hey, the guy is an agent. His job is to get his clients as much money as he possibly can from the league's often detached owners and non-business background general managers.

He's become a millionaire many times over from doing his job exceptionally well, and we're supposed to believe although his world is filled with millionaires and billionaires, he cares about the little guy?

Surprised he'd take some nonsensical drivel like this to the Huffington Post?

No, I'm not either.


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