Almost down for the count

At the moment, the Democrat Party is reeling like a boxer who's taken too many combinations to the body. The audience can sense a knockout, and the party's doing everything it can to prevent itself from falling face first to the mat.

The first combination came from a weakening economy which the Democrats have failed to attempt any form of repair. No instead, they have opted for a complete economic transformation from capitalism to statism. Consequently, the economy has only worsened.

The second combination landed from health-care. While both sides of the aisle have agreed that the status quo wasn't acceptable, liberals have manufactured a health-care crisis. They have told the American people that reform was needed immediately-so immediate that there was no time for discussion-and it could only be dealt with appropriately by means of a massive government takeover of the entire system. A majority of the American people don't believe them.

The third combination, hailed from national security, stunned the body. The American people thought that after eight years of security on their homeland, 9/11 was just a distant memory in our nation's history. We were wrong. Liberals have proven to not be the party of national security. We continue to be a nation at war abroad and now we're even more on alert at home as we've witnessed a rise in domestic terrorism. They are not keeping us safe.
Then just as the Democrats gathered themselves and believed that they could dodge any further punches and counter back with a strong left jab, by reaching closer to forcing their unpopular health-care reform legislation upon the nation, the fourth combination landed viciously. 

The disclosure of Senator Harry Reid's racist comments towards Barack Obama during the 2008 Presidential Election have served as a devastating blow. The liberals' playbook of identity politics has served effectively to manipulate people to secure their votes, which they need to further advance their agenda. As a result of his comments, Reid has debunked the myth that liberals are the "pro-minority party" and revealed that his party is only pro-itself.

Now the audience is wondering, how much more can this lefty take?
Despite the party's damage control presentation as a united front, the various damaging combinations to the body have knocked off the masks that liberals have worn over their heads for years to sell themselves to the electorate. Now we see why they say in boxing, kill the body, the head will fall

What can liberals sell themselves as the party of now?

Definitely not as anything that is good for the nation. Although they will remain in power for the meantime, they are reeling, knowing that they're but a haymaker away from landing on the canvass.

When they fall, hopefully liberalism will be down for the count.


J.C. Arenas is a frequent contributor to American Thinker and welcomes your comments at


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