Air America bankrupt

A year after President Barack Obama's (D) election, change you can believe in has finally arrived. A day and a half after Senator elect Scott Brown (R-MA) permanently changed the American political lexicon and upended American politics by restoring the late Senator Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) seat to the people, Air America, after less than six struggling years on the radio, has announced it is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and ceased live programming Thursday afternoon. Even former Air America stalwarts Senator Al Franken (D-MN), Rachel Maddow and Janeane Garafolo couldn't save them.

Blaming its demise on the difficult economic times, especially in radio, the far left liberal, or progressive as they call themselves, Air America executives proudly extolled its accomplishments and virtues in its final missive.

[I]t was the only full-time progressive voice in the mainstream broadcast media world. At a critical time in our nation's history - when dissent on issues such as the Iraq war were often denounced as "un-American" - Air America and its talented team helped millions of Americans remember the importance of compelling discussion about the most pivotal events and decisions of our generation.

Through some 100 radio outlets nationwide, Air America helped build a new sense of purpose and determination among American progressives. With this revival, the progressive movement made major gains in the 2006 mid-term elections and, more recently, in the election of President Barack Obama and a strongly Democratic Congress.

Laws have changed for the better thanks to this revival.....

The stark announcement of its demise is the only item on Air America's once proud website. Obviously the correct name for the network would have been Air Not America. Change they can believe in.


Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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