December 18, 2009
Reid's Manager's Amendment posted, Dems get 60 votes
For readers who might be interested, the long awaited Reid Manager's Amendment is now posted online here.
Update from Ed Lasky, Politico reports:
Update from Ed Lasky, Politico reports:
In announcing his support of the Senate reform legislation, Sen. Ben Nelson is warning that the bill cannot change much in negotiations with the House and still keep his support."If there are material changes in that conference report that are different from this bill, I reserve the right to vote against" the bill, Nelson told reporters.Nelson compared the bill to the creation of Social Security and Medicare."I truly believe this legislation will stand the test of time," he said. "The lives of millions Americans will be improved."
Richard Baehr comments:
Lovely process: each senator -- Landrieu, Lieberman, Nelson -- blackmails to get his stuff into or out of bill, then can parade before his state that he improved the bill, and won goodies for the home-staters.